
December 2, 2019

Result Study by PPIM 2019 – Education observer Fuad Fachruddin (left), Head of Equality Education of the Education and Culture Ministry Subi Sundoro (second left), Secretary-general of Asah Pena Anastasia Rima (third […]
October 30, 2019

Roadshow ‘Love Literacy’ Bandar Lampung: Celebrating Diversity with Love

ISLAMCINTA.CO – Bandar Lampung, the capital of Lampung Province, is one of the multicultural and multireligious cities in Indonesia. Located in a geographically strategic position of […]
September 23, 2019

Roadshow “Literasi Cinta” Banjarmasin: Turning On the Spirit of Literacy in Banjarmasin

ISLAMCINTA.CO – The National Statistics Agency (BPS) had predicted that Indonesia would face a demographic bonus in 2030-2040, a condition where people in productive ages (15-64 years […]
September 9, 2019

Training on Writing Bulletins and Friday Sermons

Along with the rise of contemporary issues such as extremism, radicalism, and terrorism in global, regional and national contexts, The Political Literacy Institute and CONVEY Indonesia […]