
October 11, 2018

90 Millennial Muslims from Various Regions in Indonesia Learn #Believe, Respect, and Participate in PVE Digital Content Workshop

MILENIALISLAMI.ID – (DEPOK, 11 October 2018) There are 90 participants from Muslim millennial circles who will take part in the bineka gathering, visiting various places of […]
October 8, 2018

Workshop of National Consolidation of Researchers and Research Assistants

PUSPIDEP.ORG – Currently, researchers and research assistants “Ulama, Politics and National Narrative: Fragmentation and Contestation of Religious Authorities in Indonesia” are taking to the field to […]
October 4, 2018

.Indonesia Millennial Movement Echoes Campaigns “Believe Indonesia”

MAARIFINSTITUTE.ORG – Actions of intolerance and violent extremism committed by young people, whether in the name of ethnicity, religion, race, or between groups, are still part […]
October 3, 2018

Young Indonesian Muslims Presented at ICONQUHAS 2018

MUSLIMMUDAINDONESIA.CO.ID – As a Da’wah Media to Strengthen the Spirit of Nationalism and Tolerance, on October 2-4 2018, Kusmana and Ningrum Dewi Aprilia, two researchers at […]