
February 26, 2019

Evaluation of Economic Program as Instrument of Deradicalization for Former Terrorist Convicts

Economic instability, poverty, and unemployment acknowledged to be the driven factor of a person to get involved in terrorism, radicalism, and violent extremism. As economy and […]
February 26, 2019

Revitalization of Deradicalization Programs in Prisons

The radicalization phenomenon in the prison is turned out to be a serious problem and a new type of challenge in P/CVE. The imprisoned terrorist convicts, […]
February 26, 2019

Assessment on Existing Social and Economic Empowerment Programs in Extremist Dominated Border Areas

Pertaining to the agenda of countering violent extremism, border areas poses unique challenges. Border areas often have different socio-economic problems from other areas. Illegal business, human trafficking, […]
February 26, 2019

Assessment on Existing Economic Skills-Oriented Program for Youth in accordance to Counter Violent Extremism

It has been widely acknowledged that economic crisis may trigger increase in crime. Financial instability and unstable employment increases the risk of violence and extremism, as […]