About Us

Since 2002, at least 17 terrorist incidents have occurred in Indonesia. In that span, more than 100 people were killed and more than one thousand people wounded as the result of terror acts by Indonesian perpetrators on Indonesian soil. In early 2016, at least three terrorists detonated bombs near an American cafe in central Jakarta. They also threw a grenade to a police post nearby, destroying the post and taking the lives of three men. In December 2016, two women were arrested in plotting two separate attacks at the presidential palace in Jakarta and Bali. This extremism has increased over the years, and the Indonesian police authority has responded to such threat. But it is perhaps only a symptom of an increased terror, violent and radical activism that needs to be adequately addressed in a larger context.

Islamic and religious subjects to be equally integrated in schools with high-quality learning and instructions — mainstreaming religious education — in Indonesia.

In answering the challenge of radicalization in Indonesia, UNDP Indonesia in collaboration with the State Islamic University (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta) implement a project called "CONVEY", a one year project designed to identify and address the underlying factors that foster the growth of violent extremism in religious education taking into account gendered differences It is an optimistic response to the existing conditions and a contribution to the serious ongoing efforts to fight violence and extremism by developing all the constructive potentials of Islamic and religious subjects to be equally integrated in schools with high-quality learning and instructions — mainstreaming religious education — in Indonesia.

The project aims to:

  1. Develop the potential of religious education in schools in Indonesia to promote peace and tolerance and counter violent extremism.
  2. Prevent the spread of extreme attitudes and violent behavior, and radicalism in schools, colleges and other educational institutions.
  3. Strengthen the involvement of students, teachers and students in countering the spread of extreme attitudes, violent behavior and radicalism.

These objectives will be pursued through four components: research and survey, advocacy and policy engagement, public campaign, quality assurance and coordination.

Where We Work

Our Partners

  1. AIDA
  2. Ambon Reconciliation Mediantion Centre (ARMC) IAIN AMBON
  3. Center for the Study of Islam and Social Transformation (CISFORM) UIN Yogyakarta
  4. Center for the Study or Religion and Culture (CSRC) UIN Jakarta
  5. Daya Makara
  6. Expose Mizan
  7. Gerakan Islam Cinta
  8. Global Peace Foundation Indonesia
  9. Indonesia Muslim Crisis Center (IMCC)
  10. MAARIF Institute
  11. Nusatenggara Center
  12. Paramadina Institute of Ethics and Civilization (PIEC)
  1. Peace Generation
  2. Pusat Pengkajian Islam Demokrasi dan Perdamaian (PUSPIDEP) Paska UIN Yogyakarta
  3. LP2M IAIN Manado
  4. Pusat Studi Agama dan Demokrasi (PUSAD) Paramadina
  5. Pusat Studi Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial (PSB-PS) UMS
  6. Pusat Studi Hak Asasi Manusia (PUSHAM) Surabaya
  7. Pusat Studi Timur Tengah dan Perdamaian Global (PSTPG) UIN Jakarta
  8. Reborn
  9. Sabang Merauke
  10. Social Trust Fundation (STF) UIN Jakarta
  11. The Political Literacy Institute

Download The Project Brief Here
