
February 10, 2021

Puspidep: Moderate Ulema Higher in Number

Jakarta, PPIM – Research Center for the Study of Islamic Democracy and Peace (Puspidep) released on Friday (22/1) the results of a survey themed “Ulema, Politics […]
February 2, 2021

Tren Hijrah di Kalangan Anak Muda, Ini Temuan Riset PPIM

Jakarta, PPIM – PPIM UIN Jakarta melalui program CONVEY Indonesia merilis temuan baru fenomena gerakan hijrah di Indonesia. Penelitian bertajuk “Tren Keberagamaan Gerakan Hijrah Kontemporer” ini […]
January 26, 2021

Aisyiyah Central Board: Let’s Avoid Conflict, See the Good in People

Jakarta, PPIM – Chairwoman of Muhammadiyah’s women’s wing Aisyiyah, Alimatul Qibtiyah, had some tips for Indonesian people to avoid conflicts caused by differences of opinions: to […]
January 12, 2021

Arief Subhan: Homeschooling Prone to Extremism

Jakarta, PPIM – “Homeschooling are vulnerable to transmission and exposure of radical religious values,” said Arief Subhan, a research coordinator on “Homeschooling” from the Center for […]