PPIM.UINJKT.AC.ID – “Students of pesantren [Islamic boarding schools] should be given out-class activities to be able to learn about tolerance. [We can] bring them to an […]
PPIM.UINJKT.AC.ID – “Religious moderation is not only about interfaith and intrafaith, but also about interpersonal and intrapersonal,” Irfan Amalee, Kyai of Peacesantren Welas Asih Pesantren in […]
ISLAMCINTA.CO – It was still fresh in the memory of many people, particularly citizens of Surabaya, East Java, when bombs attacked three churches and Surabaya Police office […]
ISLAMCINTA.CO – Bandar Lampung, the capital of Lampung Province, is one of the multicultural and multireligious cities in Indonesia. Located in a geographically strategic position of […]