Puspidep: Moderate Ulema Higher in Number

Tren Hijrah di Kalangan Anak Muda, Ini Temuan Riset PPIM
February 2, 2021
Komnas Perempuan: To Think Moderate, Learn from Ulema
February 10, 2021

Jakarta, PPIM – Research Center for the Study of Islamic Democracy and Peace (Puspidep) released on Friday (22/1) the results of a survey themed “Ulema, Politics and National Narrative”. The survey aimed for mapping and discussing the perspectives of a number of ulema about a nation-state scheme. The ulema surveyed came from various backgrounds of social, political and religious affiliations.

The survey results were presented by Najib Kailani, a lecturer from Sunan Kalijaga State University in Yogyakarta, in a virtual seminar organized by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta through Convey Indonesia program. The seminar was part of the 18th virtual talk show series of #ModerasiBeragama (Religious Moderation) themed “Mass Organizations, Ulema and Religious Moderation”.

“The survey has shown that ulema can be divided into seven categories. Most of them, or around 34%, are moderate. The rest are progressive (4.89%), inclusive (23.33%), conservative (9.33%), exclusive (9.79%), radical (4%), and extreme (2.67%),” Najib said.

According to the survey, the number of ulema who tended to accept the nation-state concept was high, up to 71.56% of respondents, while only 16.44% rejected it. 

“Although there were only few of them who rejected the concept, that should still be a concern. From this survey, we can also identify the reasons of their rejections,” Najib added.

He revealed that the most crucial aspect that had triggered the rejections was about religious life, particularly when it came to the protection to the rights of religious minorities and the interfaith rights.

The survey also highlighted the roles of moderate ulema. “Most of the moderate ulema are against violence. They are also tolerant and can support the [state] system, but weak in terms of intra-religious life. Thus means, they can accept the interfaith issues, but not the intrafaith ones,” Najib added.

The virtual seminar on Religious Moderation is held every Friday via “Convey Indonesia” official Youtube channel. The discussion, moderated by Convey Indonesian Team Leader Jamhari Makruf, also presented other speakers, such as Maria Ulfah Anshor from Indonesian Women’s Ulama Congress (KUPI) Deliberation Council, and Alimatul Qibtiyah, chairwoman of Muhammadiyah’s women’s wing Aisyiyah.

Writer : Humairah
Editor  : Zhella Apriesta

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