
October 3, 2018

Young Indonesian Muslims Presented at ICONQUHAS 2018

MUSLIMMUDAINDONESIA.CO.ID – As a Da’wah Media to Strengthen the Spirit of Nationalism and Tolerance, on October 2-4 2018, Kusmana and Ningrum Dewi Aprilia, two researchers at […]
October 1, 2018

The Head of Maluku Provincial Education Office Welcomes Islamic Millennial Training

MILENIALISLAMI.ID – In the busyness of the school in preparing for the Independence Day ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia, the 2018 Islamic Millennial digital content […]
September 28, 2018

BGFP 2.0 Solo Facilitated Participants from East Leste and Disabilities

PEACE-GENERATION.ORG – Held on Saturday, September 22, 2018, the second BGFP 2.0 Solo has its uniqueness. One of the facilitators in Solo, Muhammad Fahmi Ma’arif, said […]
September 14, 2018

Indonesian Young Muslim Bulletin Activities (FGD II)

STRENGTHENING THE NARRATIVE LOVE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA; Brief Notes on the Discussion of Indonesian Young Muslim Bulletin Last weekend, September 1, 2018, the editor […]