
September 23, 2019

Roadshow “Literasi Cinta” Banjarmasin: Turning On the Spirit of Literacy in Banjarmasin

ISLAMCINTA.CO – The National Statistics Agency (BPS) had predicted that Indonesia would face a demographic bonus in 2030-2040, a condition where people in productive ages (15-64 years […]
September 9, 2019

Training on Writing Bulletins and Friday Sermons

Along with the rise of contemporary issues such as extremism, radicalism, and terrorism in global, regional and national contexts, The Political Literacy Institute and CONVEY Indonesia […]
February 21, 2019

Minister of Religion Launches #MeyakiniMenghargai Rewarding Hashtags with Millennials at the #MeyakiniMenghargai Festival

PPIM.UINJKT.AC.ID – A peaceful nation and state life are one of the supporting factors for the ongoing development process. Unfortunately, the peace that has been taking […]
January 30, 2019

Millennial “New Styles” Understand Diversity

EXPOSE.CO.ID – There was great hope when the Minister of Religion launched a religious literacy series for teenagers, entitled Believing to Appreciate and Celebrate Diversity. The […]