UIN PPIM survey, 63% of teachers have an intolerant view

As many as 57 Percent of Teachers Have Intolerant Opinions
October 17, 2018
Survey: The Level of Opinion on Intolerance and Radicalism of Muslim Teachers in Indonesia is Very High
October 17, 2018

LAMPOST.CO – The Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has released the results of the latest survey regarding the views of diversity among Muslim teachers throughout Indonesia. From the survey results, it is known that around 63.07% of teachers have intolerant opinions.

“These results represent the intolerant opinion of teachers at all levels of education. Starting from kindergarten to high school or Madrasah Aliyah. Most of them fall into the category of intolerance and are very intolerant of followers of other religions, “said the Executive Director of PPIM UIN Saiful Umam, in the release of a survey titled Dim Pelita: Portrait of Indonesian Teachers’ Religion, in Jakarta, Tuesday (16/10/2018).

The results of the intolerance opinion, continued Saiful, were measured using a number of statements. Among other things, the statement that non-Muslims can establish religion-based schools in their neighborhood. Another statement that was tested was that neighbors of different religions may hold religious events at their respective residences.

As a result, as many as 56% of teachers disagreed that non-Muslims could establish a religion-based school in their neighborhood. As many as 21% of teachers also disagreed that neighbors of different religions were allowed to hold religious events in their neighborhood.

“These two examples of statements have a high factor content in measuring intolerant opinion,” added Saiful.

The survey involved 2,237 Muslim teacher respondents in 34 provinces. Teachers who were respondents were at all levels of primary and secondary education starting from Kindergarten / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMA / K / MA. The survey was conducted on 6 August 6 September 2018.

Saiful added that although the results of the survey depict a blurry view of teachers’ religious attitudes, these findings do not necessarily mean that teachers are intolerant. These results only describe the views and intolerance intentions.

“But it is not certain that the teacher has ever committed acts of intolerance. But if the opportunity is possible. If it is asked about an action, the possibility of taking intolerant action has decreased, ”he said.

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