Training on Writing Bulletins and Friday Sermons

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Along with the rise of contemporary issues such as extremism, radicalism, and terrorism in global, regional and national contexts, The Political Literacy Institute and CONVEY Indonesia that oversee the Indonesian Young Muslim Friday Bulletin initiated a deeper understanding of these issues.

The Indonesian Young Muslim Bulletin was created to counter misconceptions about ideology, religion and politics through articles that are regularly published on Friday through bulletin as a media. Also, the Indonesian Young Muslim Friday Bulletin is concerned with the urgency of Islamic narratives for the nation’s civilization. That is the reason for the need for publication and dissemination of the bulletin widely, especially in big cities such as Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi.

In this case, the Indonesian Young Muslim bulletin provides an opportunity for members of religious community organizations, Islamic studies groups, group of preachers, and mosque administrators to participate in the training on Friday bulletin and sermon writing. The trainings were conducted for two days and consisted of two batches – on 31 August 2019 and 7 September 2019, at wisma Innasha Garden Gunung Sindur Bogor. In total, 50 participants attended the training.

The materials provided in this training are Islamic moderation and problem mapping in Friday Bulletin writing, distinctiveness and passages of Friday bulletin, the way to collect data and to search the dalil of the Qur’an, Hadith and Kalam Ulama, Editing and Layouting, and how to make short video production from the content.

After the training, we expect that participants are able to produce a Friday bulletin with a predetermined theme. The two selected articles will be published by the Young Indonesian Muslim Friday Bulletin. Then, it will be printed 20,000 copies and distributed to 240 mosques in six cities: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Kota Tangerang, South Tangerang and Bekasi.

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