Religious Affairs Ministry Launching #MeyakiniMenghargai Campaign

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KEMENAG.GO.D – Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin became a keynote speaker and launched #MeyakiniMenghargai (to believe and to appreciate) 2019 Festival campaign on Wednesday (20/02). The festival was organized by Convey Indonesia, in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta and the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP).

Thousands of millennials and people in general attended the event that took place at the Nine Thamrin Ballroom, Central Jakarta.

Campaign of #MeyakiniMenghargai was expected to be a forum to raise awareness and a call to actions for all elements of the society to fight against violent extremism.

Lukman said in his keynote speech that Convey had taken the right step in addressing the millennials as the main target for the campaign, adding that it could be part of preparing the future of religious harmony in Indonesia.

“We all know that in 2045, Indonesia will get a demographic bonus, with 70% of the total population will be dominated by people in productive ages. Among them are kids and teens that will determine the image of Indonesia in the future,” Lukman said.

Why was the future of Indonesia related a lot to religions? According to the minister, who cited several studies, Indonesia was among the countries that saw religions as the most important factors in determining the attitudes in life.

“Practicing religions is the way we protect Indonesia. Fulfilling our obligations as citizens is also part of religious practices,” Lukman said. 

On the occasion, Lukman was accompanied by his expert staff Oman Fathurahman. Convey Indonesia Team Leader Jamhari Makruf and UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Indonesia Sophie Kemkhadze also attended the event as speakers.

Lukman went on to say that in the era of fast-growing technology, the characters and religious attitudes of current millennials were different with the young people in the previous era. Nowadays, millennials were digital society and more interested in religious teachings that were accessible and packaged in creative and innovative ways.

“If we do not present and provide them with religious understandings about peace and tolerance packaged in a millennial way, then do not blame them if in the future, the religious life in Indonesia will tend to be more intolerant, exclusive and dominated by violence, even terrorism,” Lukman said.

He added that the programs conducted by Convey could address not only one or two certain groups, but also all communities. It was about the needs to maintain diversity, prevent extremism and build civilization.

Lukman also said that Convey Indonesia had covered comprehensive areas, including research, surveys, policy briefs, and public campaigns that addressed various stakeholders, from preachers, mosques’ caretakers, lecturers, religious education teachers to madrasah (Islamic schools) students.

“Those programs are in line with the commitment of the ministry to keep spreading religious moderation, implementing wasathiyah [justly balanced or middle-path Islam] attitudes, being fair and balanced and avoiding any extreme religious practices,” he said.

“With the blessing from Allah SWT, by uttering Bismillahirahmanirrahim [in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful], I officially launched the #MenyakiniMenghargai Campaign on Convey Day 2019,” Lukman said, marking the end of the discussion.

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