Radical Opinion Among Teachers, 29% Agree to Jihad in Syria

PPIM: Islamic School Teachers Need to Be Given the Opportunity to Get to Know a Pluralistic Environment
October 17, 2018
Intolerance and Radicalism have occurred since the earliest education
October 17, 2018

GATRA.COM – There were 46.09% of Muslim teachers in Indonesia who had radical opinions or views. This fact was reflected in the results of a survey by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta to 2,237 Muslim teachers from various school levels in 34 provinces in Indonesia.

This survey was conducted on 6 August – 6 September 2018 using a questionnaire with teacher respondents based on probability proportional to size (PPS) techniques. For the survey, the confidence level is 95% with a margin of error (MoE) of 2.07%.

“Using a questionnaire, teachers have a radical opinion as much as 46.09%. Meanwhile, 53.93% do not have a moderate opinion, ”said UIN Jakarta PPIM Executive Director Saiful Umam in South Jakarta, Tuesday (16/10).

Using a measuring tool, namely the Implicit Association Test (IAT), teachers who had radical opinions were only 14.28%. Meanwhile, 85.76% of them had a moderate view.

In terms of radical opinion and radical action intentions, the survey results also show that 33% of teachers recommended others to take part in fighting for an Islamic state. Meanwhile, 29% agreed to join the jihad in the Southern Philippines, Iraq, and Syria to establish an Islamic state.

Saiful added that radical action intentions were measured using six statements that had been tested for validity. Among other things, ‘if there is a chance the teacher really did not want to or really wants to do it.

Two examples of statements were “encouraging others to join the war to establish an Islamic state” and “attacking the police who were capturing people who are establishing an Islamic state”.

“There were 27.59% of teachers who wanted to encourage other people to fight for an Islamic state and 13.30% of teachers wanted to attack the police who arrested people who were fighting for an Islamic state,” Saiful concluded.

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