PPIM UIN Jakarta Invites Beware of Da’wah-Da’wah with Negative Contents

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NUSANTARA.RMOL.CO – RMOL. Social media filtering or filtering needs to be tightened even more as there are many extremist groups active in cyberspace. A young researcher from the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Jakarta, Hani Samantha, observed that most extremist groups use social media with the label of da’wah but contain bad speech.

“Radical groups also use social media through da’wah but with negative contents,” said Hani on the sidelines of the Believing and Appreciating Festival in the Motorized Vehicle Free Area, aka CFD, Jakarta, Sunday (6/1).

The freedom of social media, according to him, is not only a medium for the existence of extremist groups. In fact, not a few social media users have been influenced by the extremist group’s words.

“Later, there were people who were actually good, then they were influenced by the negative content of extremist groups. This is what is called the result of the freedom of cyberspace, “he explained.

He also paid close attention to the spread of hoaxes by groups known to the public.

“Then some people believed,” he said. [Wid]


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