Moderate Islam Must Be Grounded

PPIM Survey Unveils 3 Factors Related to Teacher Intolerance and Radicalism
October 17, 2018
PPIM: Islamic School Teachers Need to Be Given the Opportunity to Get to Know a Pluralistic Environment
October 17, 2018

MEDIATRANSPARANCY.COM – UIN Jakarta held a survey result launching at Le Meridien Hotel, 16 October 2018. Survey PPIM UIN Jakarta 2018 “The Fading Lamp” is a continuation of the 2017 “Fire in the Chaff” survey regarding the diversity of students/students and teachers/lecturers.

The phenomenon of rampant intolerance and religious radicalism does not only occur in high school students but also occurs at the earliest educational levels.

There is an interesting finding from last year’s survey, that teachers have a fairly high level of intolerance. Therefore, this year PPIM deepened these findings by conducting a survey of 2,237 teachers and school principals (Muslim) in 34 provinces.

Meanwhile, the measuring instruments used are self-report – CAI and IAT. These IATs are rarely used, especially in Indonesia. This psychological test is more indirect and has a high level of reliability in adult respondents.

The teacher sample profile includes categorical subjects under control, class teachers (elementary schools), honorary, from foundations, income, gender, etc. Starting from kindergarten / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTS, SMA / K / MA teachers.


Interesting findings in the field based on the first survey conducted in the field are that teachers in Indonesia ranging from TK / RA to SMA / MA have high tolerant and radical opinions.

The Director of PPIM UIN Jakarta explained that the intolerant opinion of teachers through the IAT test reached 56.90% and through a questionnaire was 63.07%.

If there is a chance, the intolerant action of 29% of the teachers wants to sign the petitioners rejecting the heads of education offices of different religions.

Then, 34% of the teachers also wanted to sign the petition rejecting the education of non-Islamic religion-based schools in their neighborhood.

Ironically, 29% of teachers agreed to join the jihad in the Southern Philippines, Syria, or Iraq in fighting for the establishment of Islam.

Then, 33% of the teachers also agreed to encourage others to join the fight to create an Islamic state.

Meanwhile, 27.59% of teachers wish to encourage others to fight in realizing an Islamic state.

Not only that, 13.30% of the teachers wanted to attack the police who arrested people who were struggling to establish Islam.

When viewed from a gender perspective, female teachers have a higher intolerance than male teachers. When viewed from the type of school, it appears that private schools and madrasah have a higher intolerance than public schools.

The factors associated with intolerance and radicalism include Islamic views, demographic aspects, and mass organizations and sources of Islamic knowledge.

The role of Islamic organizations that played the most role in the emergence of intolerance and radicalism were Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Nahdhatul Wathan, the Qur’an Tafsir Council, and the Islamic Defenders Front.

When viewed from the experience of the organization that the teacher had participated in as a student, it turns out that the HMI organization influenced 12.30%, PMII 7.20%, LDK 3.98%, WE 1.4%, and IMM 0.9%. Meanwhile, 62.28% of teachers were never active in organizations when they were students.

Henny Supolo Sitepu (Chairperson of the Cahaya Guru Foundation) said that “being able to be a teacher to be intolerant does not mean because they” don’t want to “but it could be that they” don’t know “. The teacher’s ignorance of other religions makes him intolerant.

“We need to open spaces of encounter, hold positive practices, and promote human values ​​so that teachers begin to realize that diversity is a beautiful difference, which must be instilled in students,” added Henny Supolo Sitepu, MA.

Heru Purnomo (Secretary-General of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers’ Unions) also responded to the results of the PPIM national survey. He said that education is a knowledge strategy that teachers should use to convey intolerance and radicalism to their students.

Heru also said, “Young teachers with low income tend to have an intolerant nature. Yes, maybe it is because he is looking for justice and justice that is essential in this world is God’s justice. Therefore, he emphasizes his students to be religious only “

Bahrul Hidayat, Ph.D. (education expert) responded that “identity closes” has a great influence on individuals to prioritize those around them. Therefore they refused to choose heads of offices of different religions.

“Another part that we have to understand is about our own religious learning. Have we and our religious leaders taught the rahmatan lil alamin Islam? ”, Added Bahrul Hidayat (Education Expert).

According to Prof. Dr. Jamhari Makruf (PPIM Advisory Board), “Teachers are important actors who influence the growth of intolerance. For that, we need various programs that provide opportunities for teachers to gain experience in a diverse and diverse environment. “


As a result of the research, PPIM UIN Jakarta proposes the following recommendations: First, there is a need for various programs that provide opportunities for madrasah teachers to gain experience in a pluralistic and diverse environment, increase religious literacy in madrasah teachers to get to know different religions and groups.

Second, one of the effective ways to strengthen the national and pluralistic insight of teachers, both serving in madrasas and the private sector, is the empowerment of institutions that produce teachers, such as the LPTK (Educational Personnel Education Institution), Teacher Professional Education (PPG), Continuous Professional Development Program. (PPKB).

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