KPAI: Monitoring Towards Homeschooling Still Weak

Result Study by PPIM 2019
December 2, 2019
Homeschooling not thoroughly monitored
December 5, 2019 – National Commission on Child Protection (KPAI) argued that the government monitoring towards homeschooling was still weak, proven by the fact that there were a lot of homeschooling in regions that were not registered on the local education agencies. 

“Lack of budget is not a reason. Monitoring towards homeschooling is important because they have become a part of our education sector,” KPAI Commissioner Rita Pranawati said in Jakarta, on Thursday (28/11/2019).

She responded to a research by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta on Homeschooling in the context of radicalism and violent extremism.

Conducted in several big cities, including Surabaya, Makasar, Padang, Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang Selatan, Bandung, dan Solo, the research was initiated after the Surabaya suicide bombings in 2018.

Rita said it was crucial to watch out the homeschooling’s activities to ensure that they also taught students about nationalism. “We should not let homeschooling be dominated by radical views,” Rita said.

PPIM research coordinator, Arief Subhan, suggested that the government make a technical guideline as a derivative regulation of the Education and Culture Ministry Regulation No. 129/2014 on homeschooling. He also urged the education agencies to improve the registration mechanism for homeschooling using one single online submission, so that they could have a comprehensive database.

The ministerial regulation stipulated that homeschooling was a conscious and planned education concept. The learning process involved parents or family members at home or in other places. There were three types of homeschooling, consisting of single homeschooling, hybrid homeschooling and community-based homeschooling. 

Single meant singular, hybrid meant more than one family, while community-based homeschooling was the combination of the two types.

The ministerial regulation also mentioned that the homeschooling management was obliged to do registration at the education agency office in their area. The curriculum must follow the national standard. In addition, homeschooling were also obliged to teach religious education, Pancasila, civic and Bahasa Indonesia.

There were two categories of homeschooling – religious-based and non religious-based. Religious-based ones were divided into Islamic-based homeschooling and non-Muslim ones. Specifically, Islamic-based homeschooling could have two types – inclusive-Salafism homeschooling and exclusive-salafism homeschooling.

Source : Suara Pembaruan

Source : Berita Satu

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