Jamhari: The Success of Religious Moderation in the Hands of Teachers

Ex Foreign Affairs Vice Minister: Religious Moderation, Excellent Program
September 27, 2020
Islamic Teachers Must Present Diversity
September 27, 2020


“Spreading religious moderation will be successful if teachers are smart, creative and can maintain the school’s ideology by implementing the values of Islam rahmatan lil alamin (a blessing for the universe),” said Convey Indonesia Team Leader, Jamhari Makruf said on Friday (25/9) in a virtual seminar series of #ModerasiBeragama (Religious Moderation) themed “Religious Moderation in Islamic Education”.

The seminar was organized by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta through Convey Indonesia program.

Jamhari revealed that there were some flaws in the implementations of Islamic education curriculum in Indonesia. One example was that the curriculum had yet to accommodate diversity. The professor of UIN Jakarta also explained that the learning methods on the curriculum tended to create bias to the ways Islamic education teachers perceived diversity. 

“We admit that there are still some weaknesses in the curriculum, such as the lack of awareness in adopting diversity, both internally and externally. In addition, the learning methods for teachers also should be improved,” said the alumni of the Australia National University. 

In the seminar, Jamhari summarized the aspects that needed improvement if we wanted to build religious moderation, especially at schools, which included strengthening the competence of Islamic education teachers and organizing more dialogue for teachers and parents so that they could have deeper understandings about the religious moderation. 

The virtual seminar on Religious Moderation is held every Friday via “Convey Indonesia” and “PPIM UIN Jakarta” official Youtube channels. The discussion also presented Tb. Ace Hasan Syadzily (deputy chairman of House of Representatives Commission VIII), Mahnan Marbawi (Head of Indonesian Islamic Education Teachers Association), and Dyah Salsabil (an Islamic education teacher from West Bandung Religious Affairs Office). 

Writer: Grace Rachmanda
Editor: M. Nida Fadlan

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