Five Millennial Children Declare Anti-Extremism and Radicalism at the #MeyakiniMenghargai Festival

PPIM UIN Jakarta Invites Beware of Da’wah-Da’wah with Negative Contents
January 6, 2019
Millennial “New Styles” Understand Diversity
January 30, 2019 – Five millennial teenagers declared Anti-Extremism and Radicalism at the #MeyakiniMenghargai Rewarding Convey Festival at the Car Free Day (CFD) area of ​​Jakarta, Sunday (06/1). This declaration is part of a series of events at the Convey Festival #MeyakiniMenghargai, which has previously been successfully held in Yogyakarta and Makassar, 9 and 16 December 2018.

“There have been many studies and surveys that show an increase in the level of intolerance and radicalism in various circles of society, especially young people. So it’s not just a matter of rolling out the issues, “said Project Officer of the Convey Festival #MeyakiniMenghargai, Hani Samantha in a press release, Sunday (06/1).

According to him, some of us still think that it is just the spread of hate speech and exclusivism, without us knowing the aftermath of the impact on people we judge differently and making us dare to commit acts of violence against them, without us knowing that the impact is greater, namely destroying national harmony. born above diversity.

The issue of intolerance and extremism has become more prevalent in recent years. Last year, a suicide bombing carried out by a family at a police headquarters in East Java reinforces that the issue of violent extremism in this country is not just a fabrication.

Convey Indonesia is a program organized by the PPIM (Center for the Study of Islam and Society) UIN Jakarta and UNDP (United Nations Development Program) in collaboration with various communities and peace-promoting organizations that aim to prevent violent extremism in Indonesia through a series of research-surveys, policy advocacy, and interactions. public based on the potential of religious education.

“The Indonesian Convey Program touches on issues of tolerance, diversity, and nonviolence among the younger generation,” he explained.

The Religious Survey conducted by PPIM in 2017 found that 37.71% of respondents interpreted jihad as war. In fact, one-third of respondents thought that an apostate should be killed and 33.34% of respondents felt that intolerance towards those with different beliefs was not a problem.

Seeing this shocking data, Convey Indonesia took the initiative to hold various activities to massively campaign the message of peace and tolerance between people regardless of differences.

One of these activities is the #MeyakiniMenghargai Convey Festival with a series of roadshows to visit Car Free Day (CFD) areas in several cities.

The meaning of the hashtag (#) MeyakiniMenghargai is that the more we trust and have faith in each other’s beliefs, the more we respect diversity and differences!

This time, the #MeyakiniMenghargai Roadshow Festival in Jakarta was filled with a series of activities typical of the younger generation. Starting with the Zumba dance, Fun Walk, the declaration of “Indonesia Millennial Movement on Peace and Prevention of Violent Extremism”, traditional games with prizes, peace speeches, book donations, face painting, to a tree of hope containing a message of peace.


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