News and Activity

December 3, 2018

The Cinta Islam Movement Holds the Launching of the Reading Club in Bukittinggi

SUHANEWS.COM – Once the millennial generation is vulnerable to being infiltrated by radicalism which is currently very concerning, exacerbated by technological advances that are not balanced […]
December 3, 2018

Islamic Literacy Roadshow of Love: Bringing Love to Millennial Muslim Women Reading Room

IMPIANNEWS.COM (Bukit Tinggi) – Conservative turn, a term used by Martin van Bruinessen to describe the change from a tolerant “friendly face” to the conflicted “angry […]
November 30, 2018

Counteracting Radicalism and Extremism with Sufism Teachings

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID – Someone who studies religion radically or deeply is not a mistake. However, when something radical is manifested in the form of compulsion of the […]
November 30, 2018

Regional Workshop Attend all of Southeast Asia, this is a souvenir from the Mataram D3M Representative Participants

PEPADU.DUTADAMAI.ID – Successfully held a National Youth Camp event in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara last year in collaboration with the Nusa Tenggara Center. This year, PPIM […]