News and Activity

March 6, 2020

Peace Roadshow

As an attempt to spread moderate religious knowledge and encourage young people to have critical thinking and be open-minded, CONVEY Indonesia collaborated with the Gerakan Islam […]
March 6, 2020

Islamic Literature: Indonesian Young Muslim 2020

Several Friday newsletters, whose contents explicitly blamed the democratic system and rejected Pancasila and NKRI, were found in many mosques. This phenomenon showed that radical views […]
March 6, 2020

“RANGKUL” Early Detection System

Around 51.1% of students showed a tendency to have intolerant views against their fellow Muslims friends, especially towards Ahmadiyah and Shia followers, and about 34.3% of […]
March 2, 2020

Roadshow of ‘Islam Cinta’ Literacy Surabaya: Young Generation for the Nation

ISLAMCINTA.CO – It was still fresh in the memory of many people, particularly citizens of Surabaya, East Java, when bombs attacked three churches and Surabaya Police office […]