Buddhist Youth: Maintain Diversity, Be Like Garuda

Confucian Youth: Diversity is Like Music
July 24, 2020
Young Protestant Pastor: Be Together, Not the Same
July 24, 2020

PPIM.UINJKT.AC.ID – Secretary of the Indonesian Buddhist Student Association, Anes Dwi Prasetya, called on the young generation to recognize and maintain diversity in the country. “If we want to be a great [nation], we must maintain our diversity, holding it tight like Garuda does. Don’t split our unity,” Anes said. He referred to mythical bird Garuda, the national symbol.

Anes was speaking on Friday (24/7) in a virtual seminar series of #ModerasiBeragama (Religious Moderation) themed “Interfaith Millennials Talking about Religious Moderation”, which was organized by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta through Convey Indonesia program.

In the discussion, Anes elaborated the concept of religious moderation in Buddhism, which was stipulated in the written works of Mpu Tantular, entitled “Kakawin Sutasoma”. The book defined the concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), and mentioned Buddha and Shiva as a single truth. 

“Buddha and Shiva were said to be two different substances, but how could they be recognized? Because they had one single truth. So, they are basically divided, but they are one, because there is no grey area in a truth,” he said.

Anes also explained about the concept of religious moderation in Buddhism, in which it was called “Hasta Arya Magga” or Eight Noble Paths. The eight consisted of the right understanding; right thought; right speech; right action; right livelihood; right effort; right attention; right concentration. 

Besides Anes, the seminar that was moderated by Convey Indonesia Team Leader Jamhari Makruf also presented several other young figures from different religious backgrounds, such as Fernanda Ambar Pratiwi (a Catholic nun), Meilan Rahayu Putri (Head of Indonesian Konghucu Youth, Bogor chapter), Ida Ayu Prasati (a representative of Hinduism), Yerry Pattinasarany (a Protestant Pastor), and Fikri Fahrul Faiz (Coordinator of Convey Indonesia).

Writer: Syaifa Rodiyah
Editor: M. Nida Fadlan

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