Young Indonesian Muslims Presented at ICONQUHAS 2018

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MUSLIMMUDAINDONESIA.CO.ID – As a Da’wah Media to Strengthen the Spirit of Nationalism and Tolerance, on October 2-4 2018, Kusmana and Ningrum Dewi Aprilia, two researchers at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, presented their research results at the International Conference on Qur’an and Hadith (ICONQUHAS) 2018 at UIN Gunung Djati Bandung. Both of them chose the Indonesian Young Muslim Bulletin (MMI) as their research object.

The MMI Bulletin, the result of a collaboration between The Political Literacy Institute and Convey Indonesia PPIM UIN Jakarta, is considered a strategic da’wah medium to narrate Islam rahmatan lil alamin. MMI is considered as a real effort to reinforce the spirit of nationalism and tolerance.

Apart from that, MMI is also a form of an effort to reduce the provocation of anti-Pancasila and NKRI movements. Where in the last few years, they also intensively published Friday bulletins which were distributed to mosques.

The research results can be seen in the following file PROGRAM BOOK ICONQUHAS

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