Workshop of National Consolidation of Researchers and Research Assistants

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PUSPIDEP.ORG – Currently, researchers and research assistants “Ulama, Politics and National Narrative: Fragmentation and Contestation of Religious Authorities in Indonesia” are taking to the field to collect and collect data. This is a follow-up to a national consolidation workshop for researchers and research assistants held at the Ros-In Hotel Yogyakarta on September 13-15 2018. The workshop was held to build an understanding between researchers and local research assistants in research projects. The existence of this consolidation is crucial in establishing an understanding of research concepts, approaches, methods, and strategies in general before the researchers go to the field. Prof. Noorhaidi, Ph.D. (Research Coordinator) in his speech also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all research assistants who were willing to take the time from their respective regions to attend the workshop, and this gave hope that the research would produce the best “output” from a well-maintained commitment between researchers and management. Workshop participants received some basic material for PusPIDeP research such as training on the use of quantitative instruments and training on filling out research databases from Miftahun Ni’mah (UIN SUKA). The main researchers and research assistants are also provided with training and knowledge on how to arrange the mapping or mapping of local ulama as well as the mechanism of research flow in the field.

Participants and Series of Events

The National Consolidation Workshop of Researchers and Research Assistants was attended by research-management researchers CONVEY PusPIDeP-Postgraduate UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, PMU CONVEY PPIM-UNDP, and representatives of local research assistants. The research assistant who was present was Dr. Musdalifah (Manado), Syamsul Arif Galib (Makassar), Marzi Afriko (Banda Aceh), Purjatian Azhar, M.Hum (Medan), Mhd Yazid (Padang), Muhammad Ihsanul Arief (Banjarmasin), Muhammad Luthfi Ha-kim (Pontianak), Mohammad Nur Ahsan (Palu), Zet A Sandia (Ambon), Ahmad Al Amin (Denpasar), Dr. Umar Sulaiman (Kupang), Fahmi Muhammad Ahmadi (Jakarta), Cucu Surahman, MA (Bandung), Chafid Wahyudi, M. Fil (Surabaya), and Anas Aijudin (Surakarta). The series of workshop activities were successful. This activity is a forum for exchanging information and discussions related to methodology, mechanisms, and research flows. This activity also facilitates technical discussions such as the purpose and background of conducting the research, how to overcome if there is a tendency for respondents to worry about political elements when filling out surveys, and so on. This question was carefully explained by the PusPIDeP management team. PusPIDeP also built chat groups on social media between research assistants and management to monitor the activities and logistical needs of research assistants while in the field. Dr. Yusuf Rahman (PMU CONVEY) in closing gave his deepest appreciation for this workshop, “Although the preparation for this workshop was quite short and was accompanied by a complex research activity agenda, it went well and the main goal in my opinion has been achieved”, he said.

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