Training for Facilitators and Trainers: The Birth of Peace Movers

Central Java Multistakeholder Workshop: Emerging Initiation to Form Central Java Forum
October 22, 2018
Lunch Talk: Tolerance Agent Teacher
October 26, 2018

PUSHAMSURABAYA.OR.ID – On September 26-28 2018, Pusham Surabaya held a facilitator training entitled, “Blocking the Flow of Terrorism with an Early Detection System in the Community.” The training was attended by students, academics, police, security guards, state civil servants, and civil society. There were 25 training participants. And during the training, participants are provided with the ability to facilitate and mobilize the community. Not only that, but participants also made follow-up plans to implement the material they received.

Facilitator training starts at half-past two in the afternoon after lunch. The event was opened with remarks from Pusham Surabaya, represented by Basis Sosieolo. Basis Sosielo said that this activity was a series of joint agendas to prevent radicalism in society. According to him, the activities carried out by Pusham were to educate the public to find out the early symptoms of terrorism. Basis Sosielo then said that the activity was collaborating with UNDP, UIN Jakarta, which is concerned with dealing with terrorism. In this context, Basis Sosielo shows that the collaboration is taken to play their respective duties.

After the speech finished, the event immediately started with one by one introduction to the participants and the committee which was facilitated directly by Bambang Budiono, Director of Pusham Surabaya. Pak Bambang immediately gave an introduction explaining the aims and objectives of the facilitator training. According to him, the problems of radicalism and terrorism cannot stop on paper. Bambang Budiono’s point is that the various regulations from the government do not necessarily stop the growth and development of radicalism. It is evident that radical groups, extremists, are still circulating in the public space. Therefore, it is necessary to have an early detection system. The early detection system can be in the form of a forum, such as the East Java forum. Where the forum is filled with academics, politicians, and bureaucrats (Bakesbangpol), police, and civil society. In the forum, issues such as radicalism and terrorism are discussed together. After that, everyone carries out their respective responsibilities to tackle radicalism and terrorism.

Bambang Budiono emphasized that the implementation of this facilitator training is to mobilize an early detection system at a more operational level. At the operational level, it can be in the campus, village, and so on. In addition, the training is intended to create a network for preventing intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism. This network will campaign for tolerance and communicate issues of radicalism and terrorism.

After Bambang Budiono gave an introduction to the training, the next event was material. The first material was delivered by AKBP Drs. Broto Waluya from Polda East Java. The material that he presented was “The Role of Kambtibmas in Building an Early Prevention System.” In his explanation, the occurrence of acts of terrorism is a form of early detection system failure. The security forces should have detected early before the action was launched. This understanding is inseparable from reforming the security paradigm after the fall of the New Order. He also said that the current number of police was insufficient. With this fact, there needs to be a joint effort that cooperates with the community to deal with the issue of radicalism and terrorism. Pak Broto explained the constitutional principles of the community’s obligation to assist the state in defense and security. He pointed out article 30 paragraph 1 which reads, “Every citizen has the right and duty to participate in national defense and security efforts.”

Furthermore, the material was filled by Prof. Akhmad Muzakki from UIN Surabaya. He delivered material, “Radicalism as an Upstream Problem.” Prof. Muzakki first said that radicalism and intolerance are upstream problems. And so far, many circles have handled it with downstream problems. After delivering that, he showed Ustad Arifin Ilham’s video inviting Muslims to practice polygamy. In reviewing the theory of the act of saying something, what Ustad Arifin Ilham showed had extraordinary implications. Simply put, the implication is to urge and prohibit something. It is clear that in Ustad Arifin Ilham’s video there is an emphasis on the sentence “Allahhu Akbar.” In this context, there is an urge to carry out God’s law in a kaffah manner. This is an alarming implication.

If left unchecked, a phenomenon like Ustad Arifin Ilham is dangerous. Because it is like filling a certain religious understanding into the heads of the younger generation. Prof. Muzakki supposes like we fill certain water to a kettle. If we fill in coffee, then what comes out is definitely coffee, not tea. This is also the same as understanding religion. If the understanding of religion is obtained from radical and intolerant groups, then the expression and behavior of their religion must also be the same.

Radicalism and intolerance are upstream problems. So far we have handled the downstream. From that video, we will look at it from an act-speech perspective. First the act of saying something. In theory, this sees language as having implications for urging and prohibiting something. Second Ilucutionary Act. For example, if there is a father Broto who comes with two women, and it will cause various perceptions. The third is the Perlocutionary Act. There are discussions of two different communities between HTI and NU. During the discussion, both parties shouted Takbir and Tahlil with different intonations.

Besides Prof. Muzakki, another speaker was Ali Munhanif, PhD. from UIN Jakarta. Ali Munhanif wrote about, “The History of Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia.” He started by asking the question, “Why is there a radical movement and why is radicalism associated with Islam?” According to Ali Munhanif, the basis for radical understanding is not from religion, but religious interpretation. Radical interpretations have existed since the early development of Islam. However, in turn, this interpretation cannot be accepted by the majority of Muslims. Meanwhile, in Indonesia itself, radical interpretations have existed since colonial times. Padri War is a form of manifestation of religious understanding that fights groups or people with local beliefs. At that time, the Padri group carried the name of religion to fight local beliefs and the colonial government for helping them. Then in sequence, Ali Munhanif explained one by one other radical phenomena such as the DTII and the Salafi movement during the New Order regime.

The training was given an understanding of the variety, patterns, and history of radicalism, especially in Indonesia, to increase the knowledge of the participants. That way, when they become facilitators, they can direct and form concrete movements in confronting radicalism and terrorism movements in Indonesia. That was what Bambang Budiono emphasized while delivering the game. Bambang is assisted by Akhol Firdaus in facilitating. Akhol’s task is to convey the fundamental differences between fundamentalism, radicalism, extremism, and terrorism. Meanwhile, Bambang Budiono provided game material that facilitators could use to facilitate forums or to mobilize local residents. The event then ended with a follow-up plan for the participants. Participants formulate programs and the schemes that must be implemented in order for the program to run. The next follow-up plan (RTL) is continuously escorted by the Director of Pusham Surabaya so that the formula is mature and can run well.


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