These 3 Factors Trigger Intolerance and Radicalism in Teachers

PPIM Survey: 40.36 Percent of Teachers Agree Knowledge from the West Doesn’t Need to be Learned
October 18, 2018
Six out of ten Muslim teachers are ‘intolerant’; pluralism must be subject to accreditation assessment
October 18, 2018

BERITASATU.COM – The Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has again launched the results of a survey entitled The Dim Pelita: A Portrait of the Religious Teachers of Indonesia. Apart from tracking teachers’ opinions, this survey also tracks the intensity of intolerant actions by Muslim teachers throughout Indonesia. Even though the opinion of intolerance is quite high, the desire to take action is still small.

Then, in addition to measuring the opinions and actions of intolerance of Muslim teachers, the PPIM UIN Jakarta survey team also examined factors related to the emergence of teacher intolerance and radicalism. According to the Executive Director of PPIM UIN Jakarta, Saiful Umam, three factors cause intolerance and radicalism in teachers.

First, the view on Islam. He explained that the factor of Islamism became an important variable related to teacher intolerance and radicalism. The reason is, as many as 40.36% of Islamic religious teachers in Indonesia agree that all knowledge is already in the Al-Quran so there is no need to study science that comes from the West. Besides, as many as 82.77% of teachers agreed that Islam was the only solution to all problems in society.

The second, the demographic aspect. The results were also quite surprising. Female teachers have higher opinions and intentions of radical and intolerant action than male teachers. In addition, madrasah teachers are also declared to be more intolerant than general school teachers. Not only that, but private school teachers have also proven to be more intolerant than teachers in public schools.

Third, mass organizations and sources of Islamic knowledge. In PPIM’s findings, the struggle for influence between Islamic organizations played a role in producing conservative tendencies and symptoms of intolerance and even radicalism.

For that, Saiful said, PPIM gave a recommendation that teachers should be strengthened with their national and pluralistic insight, whether they serve in schools or public and private madrasas. The process can be through institutions that produce teachers such as the Education Personnel Education Institute (LPTK), Teacher Professional Education Institutions (PPG), and the Continuing Professional Development Program (PPKB).

“Teacher education institutions must be a top priority as part of efforts to prevent the spread of intolerance and exclusion,” he said.

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