Teachers in Indonesia Have Intolerant and Radical Opinions

The Lower The Income, The PPIM Survey: Teachers Tend To Be More Radical
October 18, 2018
PPIM Survey: 40.36 Percent of Teachers Agree Knowledge from the West Doesn’t Need to be Learned
October 18, 2018

ISLAMI.CO – As many as 63.07% of teachers in Indonesia, ranging from TK / RA to SMA / MA, have intolerant opinions based on the IAT (Implicit Association Test), while based on the questionnaire found 56.90% of teachers have intolerant opinions.

This figure is the findings of the PPIM survey of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Convey Indonesia.

Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, PPIM UIN Jakarta researcher, said that this survey was conducted for teachers in Indonesia, from kindergarten / RA to SMA / MA, with a total of 2,237 teachers.

Saiful Umam, Ph.D. The Director of PPIM stated that even though the two instruments showed different results, both of them were above 50%.

“In fact, 13% of teachers agreed to attack the police who arrested Islamic fighters,” he said in the Launching of the PPIM Survey Results at La Meridien Hotel Jakarta (18/10).

Saiful added that these results were, among other things, influenced by the lack of interaction between teachers and heterogeneous groups, because the survey findings indicated that madrasah teachers were more intolerant than school teachers.

“The madrasa teacher only interacts with a homogeneous group,” he added.

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