Stop the Spread of Radicalism on Campus

Infiltration of Radicalism Values into Schools Through Three Doors
June 8, 2018
Metro Plus – Prevent Radicalism Among Youth, CONVEY Documentary
June 8, 2018

JAKARTA – There are surprising facts behind the terror acts that have occurred in Surabaya recently. The perpetrators involved in terrorism, including those who carried out the suicide bombings, turned out to be educated.

Anton Ferdianto and Budi Satrijo, for example, were recorded as having studied at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. Dita Soepriyanto who is also chairman of the East Java Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), also studied at Airlangga University, Surabaya. Dita is even known to have shown the seeds of radicalism since she was in high school.

Although there is no direct connection between terrorism and the education system in these tertiary institutions, it cannot be denied that educational institutions — both colleges and secondary schools — have become easy targets for terrorist groups to propagate their radicalism. Religious studies institutes have become strategic targets for this group.

This condition is not much different from the findings of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). Based on research conducted in 2017, BIN found that 39% of Indonesian students are exposed to radical ideology. In fact, three campuses have been declared as hotbeds of radical groups. In addition, this intelligence agency also found that 24% of students and 23.3% of high school students and the same agree with the Islamic state.

The finding that the infiltration of radical movements had penetrated educational institutions in the country was also obtained from the PPIM survey of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Convey Indonesia in 2017, and the survey of The Wahid Institute in 2016.

In fact, according to The Wahid Institute, the majority of Rohani Islam or Rohis members are ready to go to Syria for jihad. The Maarif Institute survey in 2017 revealed that radicalism entered through alumni, teachers, and school policies. What is concerning, there are teachers who spread radicalism through teaching and learning activities (KBM).

The internalization of radicalism is infiltrated during school hours or extra hours by teachers affiliated with radical groups outside of school. Departing from this fact, the DPR asked the government, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek-Dikti), to seriously narrow the space for radical groups in educational institutions and strengthen deradicalization through education.

“This proves that schools or colleges are vulnerable to being infiltrated by radicalism. It is inconceivable that 30 years ago this understanding had infiltrated schools and campuses. So it is not an exaggeration to conclude that currently there are many followers of radicalism through school and campus media, ”said member of Commission X DPR Moh Nizar Zahro when contacted yesterday.

According to him, for the initial stage, the Ministry of Education and Culture and Kemenristek-Dikti must immediately launch a deradicalization program in all schools and campuses in Indonesia, with the aim that students who have been exposed to the radicalism virus can be saved. Next is the mapping and identification of schools exposed to radicalism.

“The treatment for radicalization is then adjusted according to the severity of the exposure. Kemendikbud and Kemenristek can collaborate with other institutions, for example BNPT (National Counterterrorism Agency), MUI (Indonesian Ulama Council), Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and others to carry out deradicalization programs in schools and campuses, “he said.

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Muhadjir Effendy said the deradicalization program does not require special subjects. However, he explained, if it is included as an element of curriculum content that is inclusive, it is indeed necessary. The curriculum in question is the Strengthening Character Education (PPK) program.

The former chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang said that PPK had special material for students so that they were not exposed to dangerous understandings. The direction of character education desired is the formation of student character, namely gum rally, nationalism, integrity, independence, and mutual cooperation.

“The moderation program (not deradicalization) can be included in all or part of the five main characters,” he told KORAN SINDO.

 Previously, Menristek-Dikti Mohammad Nasir emphasized that the campus must be the main gate to counter radicalism. Because of that, he asked every university leader to monitor any movements in the campus environment that lead to intolerance and radicalism. “If there are indications that students or lecturers are involved in understanding radicalism, there must be intensive coaching,” he said.

The former Chancellor of Diponegoro University also emphasized that even campuses should not allow any understanding that has moved towards terrorism. Therefore, Menristek-Dikti hopes that if there is direct evidence that lecturers and students are involved in this direction, it must be immediately reported to the police.

Chairperson of the Indonesian Chancellors Forum (FRI) Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu emphasized his support for the eradication of radical movements on campus. He stated that the radicalism movement must be stopped intensively from various parties. He also guaranteed that FRI was ready to cooperate with all parties who wanted peace, tranquility and safety of the Republic of Indonesia.

“Campus residents must be role models in political, social, cultural life within the corridors of the Republic of Indonesia,” he said.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) Chancellor Muhammad Anis also expressed his strong opposition to all forms of radicalism and terrorism, including hate speech both inside and outside campus.

He even said he would take firm action against any UI citizen who took provocative actions that led to radicalism and divided the nation. “We are committed to join hands with all components of the nation to revive the noble values ​​of humanity through concrete, constructive and inclusive efforts,” he said.

On the other hand, education observer from the University of Education of Indonesia, Said Hamid Hasan, is of the opinion that legal, economic, educational and political injustice are the causes of radicalism to take root in Indonesia. Radicalism also arises because of the lack of knowledge of religion, national history, national philosophy, social and culture.

“Lack of knowledge causes less religious and national attitudes and is easily influenced by negative information,” he told KORAN SINDO.

Ever studied at ITS
Two bombers in Surabaya, namely Anton Ferdianto and Budi Satrijo, were recorded as having studied at ITS Surabaya. However, ITS refused to call them both ITS alumni. ITS Chancellor Prof. Joni Hermana said the suspected terrorist on behalf of Anton Ferdianto had been a D-III ITS Electrical Engineering student in 1991. However, he was recorded as only undergoing one year of college and then not being active again.

“On that basis, it can be said that he is not an ITS alumnus. We do not know the status of the next person concerned, “said Prof. Joni yesterday. Another suspected terrorist named Budi Satrijo was also noted as a Chemical Engineering student at the S-1 study program in 1988 and graduated in 1996. During his studies, Budi did not show suspicious and normal signs like other students. In fact, Budi was observed to be active in entrepreneurial activities while on campus.

“As an alumnus who graduated 22 years ago, all the activities concerned are of course beyond the knowledge of ITS and all are their personal responsibilities before the law,” he said.

ITS, he said, has more than 100,000 alumni scattered throughout Indonesia and abroad, while alumni who are active in alumni activities are only about a thousand people. Meanwhile, the two suspected perpetrators were alumni who had never been active at ITS. “So far, activities related to alumni, we are working with the ITS Alumni Association (IKA). IKA is what determines which alumni will become speakers if invited to the ITS event and the two suspected actors have never been speakers, “he said.

Unair Chancellor Prof. Moh Nasih previously also admitted that Dita Oepriyanto had been a Diploma 3 student of the Marketing Management Study Program at the Faculty of Economics.

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