STF UIN Jakarta Holds International Youth Leadership Camp

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BOGOR – The Social Trust Fund (STF) of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an International Youth Leadership Camp in Ciawi, Bogor, West Java, Friday-Monday (2-5 / 2/2018).

The activity entitled ‘Strengthening The Value of Islam Rahmatan Lil’ Alamin Among Young Muslims’ is expected to strengthen the understanding and practice of Islam Rahmatan lil alamin among Muslim youth.

Program Coordinator Muhammad Zuhdi said that the collaboration between STF UIN Jakarta and PPIM UIN Jakarta and UNDP was attended by 29 students from various Islamic and public universities.

Apart from 10 Indonesian students, 19 other participants were students from various countries who studied at UIN Jakarta and several other national universities.

In this activity, the Deputy Director of STF UIN Jakarta continued, the participants were involved in discussions about peace, Indonesian Islam, and how the role of Indonesian Muslims in promoting peace with a number of expert speakers. Others, they discussed the forms and tendencies of violence and narrow radicalism that drive human conflict.

“With this activity, we hope that the participants representing Muslim youth get new experiences, an understanding of what is called moderate Islam, and how they deal with the narrow radicalism issue,” he explained.

The better understanding of Islam rahmatan lil alamin among the younger generation, he explained, cannot be separated from their responsibility to present Islam as a friendly belief and full of respect for different realities in the future.

Moreover, the participants in the activity come from various countries so that they are expected to become the seeds of a friendly and tolerant Islamic nursery when they appear in their respective public areas.

“Later, when they appear in their respective areas of public leadership, they will be able to become agents who speak out for peace and resolve conflicts and narrow radicalism,” he continued. (pur)

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