Spread Love Through Books on the Themed Islam Peace, Here You Can Pay For Books With Smiles

Islamic Literacy Target Bandung Millennials to be a Generation of Peace
December 20, 2018
Cinta Islam Movement, Production of 20 Popular Books for Millennial Love Peace
December 20, 2018

JABAR.TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Every Sunday morning, Bandung residents rush to Jalan Dago to simply enjoy the atmosphere of Car Free Day (CFD), some are exercising; casual walks, biking, creative community activities and some are selling snacks.

Unlike usual, the atmosphere of the CFD on Sunday (16/12/2018) looked different, through their smiles and friendliness greeted people passing in front of their booth while saying “Assalamualaikum, Teteh, and Akang, let’s spread love” while showing books on the theme of peaceful Islam.

Eddy Aqdhiwijaya, Chair of the Love Islamic Movement and initiator of Love Islamic Literacy (LIC). Through the full support of the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM), Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, the Cinta Islam Movement has produced 20 books of the series Gen Islam Cinta.

According to Eddy, the millennial generation has an extraordinary spirit of change, through this activity, the Love Islam Movement invites Bandung millennials to jointly make changes that are better and more useful.

“If the younger generation has good literacy skills, they will not be easily tempted and persuaded by radical and extreme ideologies,” said Eddy (16/12/2018).

Bandung is the third city visited by the Love Islamic Movement, after previously the cities of Bukit Tinggi and Yogyakarta.

Through these activities, the Islamic Love Movement calls for love and peace in society.

The “Love Islam Literacy Roadshow” in the form of a “Talk The Peace” event with “Peace Generation”, the synergy of the youth community and peace in the City of Bandung, discusses the Islamic Literacy of Love entitled “Differences Remain the Same” by Siti Aisah, a millennial writer from Garut Java. West.

In addition, they also formed a reading club with communities and individuals who are concerned about peace and the highlight of which is a healthy walk and sharing of the Islamic Gen Islam Cinta serial book in the CFD area.

“Millennials who exercise and be creative in the CFD area this week get books from GIC, these books are not free, millennials who want these books have to pay with a smile (pay with your smile),” said Eddy.

The Love Islam Literacy Roadshow will be held again in Jakarta, this activity is a form of the 8th anniversary of the Love Islam Movement on January 20, 2019.

The Islamic Love Movement (GIC) was declared by more than 40 Indonesian Muslim leaders in Jakarta.

The founder of GIC, Haidar Bagir said that the aim of establishing the Islamic Love Movement was to remind especially Muslims that the pinnacle of our diversity is the possession of loving-kindness towards fellow creatures of Allah.

Source : http://jabar.tribunnews.com/2018/12/17/sebarkan-cinta-melalui-buku-bertemakan-islam-damai-di-sini-bisa-bayar-buku-pakai-senyuman

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