Research into Responses and Behaviours of Academic Community in Three Islamic-based Universities Towards Diversity, Nationality and State

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October 14, 2020
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Samples for this research are from three Islamic-based Universities (PTKIN) – Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) in Jakarta, Sunan Kalijaga UIN in Yogyakarta and Sunan Gunung Djati UIN in Bandung, West Java. Research team is currently in the process of collecting samples.

This research uses two methodologies – survey and focus group discussion (FGD). Respondents consist of 1,080 students, as well as 180 lecturers and officials randomly chosen from the universities for the survey and FGD.

The results of the study are expected to be a primary reference to draft a capacity building module, which aims at improving the quality of the academic community towards diversity, nationality and the state, and will be a reference to write a capacity building module to improve the quality of the academic community at PTKIN related to diversity, nation and state. 

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