The Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Jakarta in the United Nations for Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia is implementing the project “Fostering Tolerant Religious Education to Prevent Violent Extremism in Indonesia.“
The project also aims to increase community resilience through empowering youth and creating a conducive environment for educators to teach peaceful religious education in schools and universities. These goals will be achieved through four components, namely:
To support the implementation of this project, we invite non-governmental community organizations, research institutions, and the private sector to carry out a series of activities.
Matters relating to the provisions of the proposal can be seen in the Request for Proposal document.
Proposal Submission
Proposals are prepared in Indonesian and sent via email to the address no later than 12 July 2018. For further information, please contact PPIM UIN Jakarta, telephone 021-7499272.
Supporting Document Proposal Templates