“RANGKUL” Early Detection System

Research on Radicalism and Homeschooling
March 6, 2020
Islamic Literature: Indonesian Young Muslim 2020
March 6, 2020

Around 51.1% of students showed a tendency to have intolerant views against their fellow Muslims friends, especially towards Ahmadiyah and Shia followers, and about 34.3% of them had intolerant views against people of different religious backgrounds. Citing the total number of young population in Indonesia, the percentage was relatively high. Intolerance among religions could certainly be the root cause of conflicts (PPIM, 2018). Unfortunately, many teachers and staff still did not pay attention to radicalization and extreme behaviours that could happen at schools. Some of them even denied the existence of such behaviours. In response to the situation, the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta drafted a guideline for teachers and students, and formulated Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for schools and madrasah (Islamic schools) called “RANGKUL”, short of Responding and Rehabilitating, Analysing, Narrating, Digging, Reviewing, and Executing. RANGKUL describes the steps for early detection and response systems towards violent extremism and implements socio-emotional learning based on empathy, perspective taking and critical thinking.

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