PUSAD Paramadina Foundation Holds Religious Extension Workshop in Ambon

Religious Trainers Can Overcome Friction in Political Years
December 3, 2018
Presenting Alternative Narrative Through “Reaction Video” by Ustadz Sejuk
December 17, 2018

PAMANAWANEWS – The Center for Religion and Democracy Studies (PUSAD), Paramadina Foundation Jakarta, held a religious extension workshop in Ambon City, Maluku Province, Tuesday (27/11/2018).

The activity, which was attended by 60 religious educators for two days at Swissbell Hotel, carried the theme “Religion, Harmony and Binadamai in Indonesia.”

Ihsan Ali Fauzi, founder, and director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD) of the Paramadina Jakarta Foundation said that a religious extension workshop was held to overcome friction in the current election year. During the activities of extension workers from various religions in Maluku, they will be given an understanding and insight into nationality. This includes tolerance and inclusiveness.

“Even if there is friction, it will take place safely. Why extension agent, because he is at the forefront. His position is very important in front of the community, “he said.

Ihsan admitted that the friction that occurs in society is something that cannot be avoided. Friction is a common and certain thing to happen. However, overcoming it is not necessarily using violent means, but by prioritizing deliberation and mediation.

“Regarding the conflict, there is a conflict, normal, natural, it only has to be resolved by peaceful means. So the conflict is not resolved by fighting, but by means of deliberation, mediation, “he explained.

In the political year, continued Ihsan, every region that has been hit by conflict will be considered a vulnerable area. However, for him, embedding these vulnerable areas does not necessarily make the residents angry, but how to prepare more ways to overcome them.

“As far as I know, all areas that have experienced violence are considered vulnerable. In my opinion, he just responded positively. No need to respond angrily. If that is the case, then it is ok so that we prepare more, “he said.

It was said that Maluku, which was once involved in the conflict, had provided great lessons that could be taken and used as valuable experiences for future progress.

“So when we talk about the past, the big point is what lessons we take. Among other things, preventive measures to manage the tension so that it does not escalate into violence, “he said

In the future, he added, the challenges to be faced will be even harder. The challenge is with the presence of social media. An incident in Jakarta, for example, said Ihsan, within seconds of the same day could affect Ambon, Maluku.

“So the challenges in Ambon and Maluku could occur in other places and have an impact here. So that learning to overcome past problems must be strengthened in order to face these newer challenges. Among other things, social media, which used to be in 1998-2000, did not yet exist or was not as intensive as it is today. Now it’s more intensive, “he explained.

Maluku has experience managing rumors. Especially nowadays with the presence of social media which has recently been used as a tool to spread hatred and hoaxes (untrue news).

“So technically how social media is managed to avoid hoaxes and fight it. And more importantly, we want to learn from Maluku. We can take what has been done here as a lesson for friends in Western Indonesia, “he hoped. (PN9)

source: https://www.pamanawanews.com/news/hukrim/pusad-yayasan-paramadina-gelar-lokakarya-penyuluh-agama-di-ambon-7aaf99a0/

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