Prof. Jamhari: Media Must Promote Religious Moderation

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PPIM.UINJKT.AC.ID – “In a bid to uphold a balance reporting, the media should continue to report religious moderation,” said Jamhari Makruf, Team Leader of Convey Indonesia.

He was speaking on Friday (7/8) in a virtual seminar series of #ModerasiBeragama (Religious Moderation) themed “Religious Moderation in Media”, which was organized by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta through Convey Indonesia program.

Jamhari reminded the audience that religious moderation had become one of the state’s policies, as stipulated under the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Therefore, all activities conducted by the government and its citizens should refer to religious moderation understanding, including media coverage.

“Media should deliver the issues that can strengthen religious moderation through their TV programs, radio, websites, newspapers, religious articles or any other related channels, including their channels abroad,” said the Professor of Anthropology of UIN Jakarta.

All this time, he said, the media delivered religious moderation narratives in a very opposite way than it should be. An adage that “bad news is a good news” seemed to be relevant for the media. As the consequences, religious moderation was often portrayed as intolerance and violence that it caused fear to the public, while in fact, Indonesia was born as a plural society, and differences were the things that people should accept

“Media must do a balanced reporting on religious issues. In TV programs, for example, it is important to highlight religious moderation in religious preaching. [Media should also] promote diversity,” Jamhari said.

The virtual seminar on Religious Moderation is held every Friday via “Convey Indonesia” official Youtube channel. The discussion also presented other speakers, such as Makroen Sanjaya (Deputy Editor-in-Chief of RTV), Savic Ali (Director of NU Online and, Muhammad Hanifuddin (Editor-in-Chief of Buletin Jumat Muslim Muda Indonesia), dan Ed Sepsha (a journalist Kyodo News, Japan Broadcasting Office).

Writer: Tati Rohayati
Editor: M. Nida Fadlan

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