PPIM UIN Jakarta-Nusa Tenggara Center Holds “Youth Camp Lombok”

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KANALINDONESIA.COM, MATARAM: Governor of NTB Dr. TGH. Muhammad Zainul Majdi, was present to open the “Youth Camp Lombok for Peace Leaders”, Monday (22/1/2018). Also present were the Director of the Center Prof. Dr. Suprapto, Prof. Fuad Jabali from PPIM UIN Jakarta, and representatives of the KLU Regional Government.

The activity which was centered in the Klui beach area, Malakka Village, Pemenang District, KLU was attended by 200 students from 78 State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) throughout Indonesia. This activity is thanks to the collaboration between PPIM UIN Jakarta and Nusatenggata Center NTB.

The TGB, Zainul Majdi’s nickname, was asked to fill the harmony assembly with the theme of Islam Rahmatan lil Alamin. In his presentation, TGB reminded students to be able to become agents of peace. So far, TGB said, there have been many cases of violence in the name of religion due to a wrong understanding of Islam. In fact, Islam teaches peace.

Islam is a religion that is not closed, but always builds friendship, has discussions, gets acquainted with other religions in a good context. Because of that friendship becomes a fertile context for introducing good Islam.

Meanwhile, Director of the Center Prof. Dr. Suprapto, M.Ag., said that this activity was carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) of the State Islamic University-UIN Jakarta and the Nusatenggara Center (NC) NTB.

He said that in Indonesia, violence, radicalization, terrorism and extremism have increased. More than 200 cases of religious based violence each year occur. This is marked by the increase of groups carrying out acts of radicalism and extremism, these cases are scattered in various parts of Indonesia such as in the islands, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Aceh, Maluku, NTB, and others.

A number of other important notes relating to radicalism and extremism movements include the strengthening of the narrative of violence among youth in schools, Islamic boarding schools and universities. Youth is a segment that has not been completely separated from the grip of radical movements and terrorism. Youth is a group that is vulnerable to being influenced by radical ideology. (Yus)

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