PPIM Survey: Ustadz Abdul Somad Becomes a Model Muslim Teacher

63.07 Percent of Indonesian Teachers Have Intolerant Opinions towards Other Religions
October 18, 2018
PPIM Survey: Portrait of Teachers’ Religion in Indonesia
October 18, 2018

GATRA.COM – Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) is the most prominent Muslim leader in the eyes of Muslim teachers in Indonesia. Based on the results of the survey by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Jakarta, UAS is in first place with 29.31%.

This survey was conducted on 6 August – 6 September 2018 of 2,237 Muslim teachers in 34 provinces in Indonesia. Each province was randomly selected (randomly) districts/cities using probability proportional to size (PPS).

“Ustadz Abdul Somad was used as a role model by teachers who are Muslim with 29.31%. Then in second place was KH Abdullah Gymnastiar or Aa Gym with 11.63%, ”said the Executive Director of PPIM UIN Jakarta Saiful Umam in a discussion on ‘The Diminishing Pelita’ in South Jakarta, Tuesday (16/10).

Then in the ranking, there was Female Muslim Teacher Mamah Dedeh with 9.66%, followed by Quraish Shihab (5.41%), Ustadz Adi Hidayat (3.58%), Ustadz Maulana (3.46%), and KH Mustofa Bisri or Gus Bisri ( 2.91%). It was known that PPIM UIN Jakarta conducted a similar survey in 2017 with the object of research for school students.

In the survey, Ustadzah Mamah Dedeh was in the first place. “Last year in the same survey, Mamah Dedeh was in the first place, almost second was Ustadz Maulana,” said Saiful Umam.

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