PPIM Says Kindergarten / RA Teachers Tend to Be More Intolerant and Radical

PPIM Survey: Female Teachers Are More Intolerant than Male Teachers
October 18, 2018
3 Factors Associated with Teacher Intolerance and Radicalism in Indonesia
October 18, 2018

NETRALNEWS.COM – The phenomenon of rampant intolerance and religious radicalism does not only occur in high school students but also occurs at the earliest educational levels. This tendency of expression has been seen since early education levels such as Kindergarten (TK) / Raudhatul Athfal (RA).

Whereas education in Kindergarten / RA is important in instilling the basic values ​​of students, which Kindergarten students are in an important time planting values ​​for their future. This was stated by the National Survey Coordinator, Yunita Faela Nisa, in Launching the Results of the National Survey of the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM), Pelita, which is fading: Portrait of Indonesian Teachers’ Religion, Tuesday (16/10/2018)

“The survey results show that kindergarten / RA teachers have an intolerant and radical opinion compared to teachers at other educational levels. However, it is important to improve the kindergarten teacher’s experience in situations of diversity, “said Yunita.

Yunita explained, the kindergarten / RA teacher conveyed the opinion of intolerance and radicals to kindergarten children because of the tendency of children to be more obedient to the teacher. Kindergarten children also tend to believe in various words uttered by trusted figures, as parents entrust their children to teachers, and intolerance and radicals can be sown in kindergarten / RA schools.

The kind of kindergarten / RA teachers expressing intolerance and radical opinions are only the methodology. For example, how to sing and dance without moderate Islamic content, diversity, and humanitarian content.

“Indeed, not all (TK / RA teachers convey intolerant and radical opinions). But there are those who change lyrics, negate other groups and it is taught to children, so it needs to be a concern, ”said Yunita.

To note, the PPIM 2018 survey population target is 2,237 Muslim teachers in schools/Islamic schools at the TK / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMA / K / MA levels who teach all subjects in Indonesia.

Teachers are teachers of Language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA), Sodial Sciences, Islamic Religious Education and Character, Arts and Skills, Guidance and Counseling, Class Teachers, Principals (not teaching), and others.

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