Peace Generation: Peace Sociopreneur Academy

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PEACEGEN.ID – Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) aims for building the resilience of the Muslim community, particularly younger generation, against intolerance, radicalism and violent extremism.

Indonesia, as the world’s largest Muslim majority country, faced a challenge to ensure the harmony amid its diversity, including in responding to differences within Islam itself. 

The country had lack of intrafaith dialogues among Muslim communities, while the practices of religious intolerance within the community still frequently happened. A research by CONVEY showed a surprising result regarding intra-religious intolerance among Muslim students.

In response to the situation, PeaceGen collaborated with CONVEY Indonesia, the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, and the UNDP to initiate Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) program with the framework of social bonding, social bridging, dan social linking

The program ran from October 2020 to February 2021. During the program, participants were required to work together to produce artworks in various forms, such as podcasts, mini lessons, music, video series, documentary videos and boardgames, the contents of which should reflect the solutions for social and environmental issues.

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