Online Competition CONVEY DAY 2021

Kemenag: Masjid Harus Terbuka, Tidak Boleh Eksklusif
February 10, 2021
Peneliti PPIM: Beragama dan Berbudaya, Penentu Tangkal COVID-19
February 23, 2021

Hi PeaceRangers, as a young generation growing with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), you can be ambassadors of religious moderation, encouraging people to respect Indonesia’s diverse ethnicities, religions and races. This competition will give you not only an opportunity to be awarded ambassadors to promote religious moderation, but also valuable prizes. Money worth millions of rupiah, certificates, exclusive merchandise and free online training are waiting for you to grasp. What’s more? You’ll be part of our next campaigns, which will give you a lot of fun and positive benefits!

There are 6 competition categories you can participate in – TikTok, photography, writing comics, blogs, posters, and making animated videos. 

Who can join?

  1. Open to all 14-26 years old
  2. Have Instagram account, not in private mode
  3. Participants can join more than one competition. All are free of charge


  • Registration: 1 January – 16 February 2021
  • Deadline submission: extended to 16 February 2021
  • Winner announcement: 5 March 2021

General requirements

  1. Main theme for all artworks is “So Different, but still Together”.
  2. Participants can choose one of the sub-themes given:
  • Tolerance
  • Anti-violence
  • Nationalism
  • Local Culture
  1. Material references can be taken from: or CONVEY Indonesia’s official social media accounts.
  2. Artworks do not contain the elements that are against the law and social norms, including weaponry, blood, pornography, SARA (ethnicity, religion and race) and gender-based discriminations.
  3. Artworks can be on behalf of individuals or groups.
  4. Plagiarism is a crime.

Instructions for Tiktok contest:

  1. Register to
  1. Follow @conveyindonesia dan @ppim_uinjakarta on Instagram.
  1. Create your most attractive Tiktok video, in accordance with the main theme and your chosen sub-theme.
  2. Put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai (To believe and to Appreciate) on your TikTok content.
  3. Upload your TikTok video to your personal Instagram account and tag @conveyindonesia@ppim_uinjakarta, and three of your friends. Do not set private mode on your account.
  1. Tell your story about the video on the caption, put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai #LoTemenGue (You’re My Friend) #CONVEYDay2021.
  2. Copy link your uploaded video and send here 

Instructions for blog competition:

  1. Register to
  1. Write an interesting article. Topics must be in line with theme and sub-theme. Article should be at least 500 words, but no longer than 1,500 words. 
  2. Insert hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai on your article.
  3. Submit your article here

Instructions for photogtaphy competition:

  1. Register to
  1. Follow @conveyindonesia dan @ppim_uinjakarta on Instagram.
  1. Take your most attractive and interesting photograph that matches the theme and sub-theme. Participants are allowed to use either a camera or smartphone.
  2. Put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai in the photograph.
  3. Upload your photograph to your personal Instagram account and tag @conveyindonesia@ppim_uinjakarta, and three of your friends. Do not set private mode on your account.
  4. Tell your story about the photograph on the caption, put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai #LoTemenGue (You’re My Friend) #CONVEYDay2021.
  5. Copy link your uploaded photograph and send here 

Instructions for comic competition:

  1. Register to
  1. Follow @conveyindonesia dan @ppim_uinjakarta on Instagram.
  1. Create your most fascinating comic based on the theme and sub-theme, with a maximum length at 4 coloured-panels. Comic can be only 1 page of comic strips or separated into 4 pages.
  2. Put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai on the panel(s).
  3. Upload your comic to your personal Instagram account and tag @conveyindonesia@ppim_uinjakarta, and three of your friends. Do not set private mode on your account.
  1. Briefly explain about your comic on the caption, put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai #LoTemenGue (You’re My Friend) #CONVEYDay2021.
  2. Copy link your uploaded comic and send here 

Instructions for poster competition:

  1. Register to
  1. Follow @conveyindonesia dan @ppim_uinjakarta on Instagram.
  1. Create your most engaging poster related to the theme and sub-theme. Poster should size 4:5 (1080×1350 Pixel) and must be with colours.
  2. Put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai in your poster frame.
  3. Upload your poster to your personal Instagram account and tag @conveyindonesia@ppim_uinjakarta, and three of your friends. Do not set private mode on your account.
  1. Briefly explain about your poster on the caption, put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai #LoTemenGue (You’re My Friend) #CONVEYDay2021.
  1. Copy link your uploaded poster and send here 

Instructions for animated video competition:

  1. Register to
  1. Follow @conveyindonesia dan @ppim_uinjakarta on Instagram.
  1. Create your most stunning 3-to-5-minute animated video related to the theme and sub-theme. Participants must put subtitles in Bahasa Indonesia.
  2. Put hashtag #MeyakiniMenghargai in the video frame.
  3. Upload your poster to your personal Instagram account and tag @conveyindonesia@ppim_uinjakarta, and three of your friends. Video should be in the format of IGTV. Do not set private mode on your account.
  1. Copy link your uploaded video and send here 

Scoring criteria

  1. Relevancy of the artworks with the given theme and subthemes.
  2. Using materials from or CONVEY Indonesia’s official social media accounts is a plus point. 
  1. Collaboration with other communities is a plus point.
  2. There will be 4 four winners (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and favourite winners). Blog competition has no favourite winner.
  3. Favourite winner is determined by the number of likes and comments received by the uploaded artworks.
  1. All decisions by the judges are final and cannot be challenged in any way.
  2. Winners are required to send their artworks in the forms of high resolution via gdrive.

The Winner will receive

  1. Tiktok 1st = Rp. 2.500.000
  2. Tiktok 2nd = Rp. 2.000.000
  3. Tiktok 3rd = Rp. 1.500.000
  4. Tiktok favorite = Rp. 1.000.000
  5. Tiktok 4th-10th = e-money Rp.100.000 + exclusive merchandise
  1. Photo 1st = Rp. 2.000.000
  2. Photo 2nd = Rp. 1.500.000
  3. Photo 3rd = Rp. 1.000.000
  4. Photo Favorite = 500.000
  5. Photo 4th-10th = e-money Rp.100.000 + exclusive merchandise
  1. Comic 1st = Rp. 4.000.000
  2. Comic 2nd = Rp. 3.000.000
  3. Comic 3rd = Rp. 2.000.000
  4. Comic Favorite = 1.000.000
  5. Comic 4th-10th = e-money Rp.100.000 + exclusive merchandise
  1. Blog 1st = Rp. 4.000.000
  2. Blog 2nd = Rp. 3.000.000
  3. Blog 3rd = Rp. 2.000.000
  4. Blog 4th-10th = e-money Rp.100.000 + exclusive merchandise
  1. Poster 1st = Rp. 3.000.000
  2. Poster 2nd = Rp. 2.000.000
  3. Poster 3rd = Rp. 1.000.000
  4. Poster Favorite = 750.000
  5. Poster 4th-10th = e-money Rp.100.000 + exclusive merchandise
  1. Animated Video 1st = Rp. 6.000.000
  2. Animated Video 2nd = Rp. 4.500.000
  3. Animated Video 3rd = Rp. 4.000.000
  4. Animated Video Favorite = 3.000.000
  5. Animated Video 4th-10th = e-money Rp.100.000 + exclusive merchandise

MeyakiniMenghargai (To Believe and To Appreciate)
#ModerasiBeragama (Religious Moderation)
#LoTemenGue (You’re My Friends)
#KompetisiOnline (Online Competition)

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