Millennials Peace Camp (MP-Camp) 2018 “Learning to Live Peacefully in a Millennial Style”

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December 17, 2018
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December 17, 2018

GLOBAL PEACE FOUNDATION – The young generation has tremendous power in building the nation. Nothing wrong with the continuity and advancement of a country or nation depends on its youth. Such great creativity and enthusiasm are very valuable assets, of course, all of this must be accompanied by moral values ​​and innovation which are the assets to create future leaders. The rapid development of technology today is increasingly making the way for the younger generation to work for the country more open, but on the one hand, it is also a gap that causes the quality and morale of the younger generation to decline. We cannot avoid globalization, various cultures so that negative understandings flood every line of life. The younger generation becomes vulnerable as victims as well as perpetrators of the spread of negative values ​​that destroy and undermine the joints of national and state life. Seeing the current situation, there needs to be a moral and character education program for youth so that they can independently build their surrounding environment into a peaceful environment, away from conflict, build character and morality and avoid radicalism and extreme violence.

Global Peace Foundation Indonesia is fully supported by PPIM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Convey Indonesia, and UNDP Indonesia initiated the 2018 Millennials Peace Camp as a step and an effort to give birth to and form a young generation of Indonesia who has morals, character, and innovation in creating, spreading, and maintaining peace and development of the country. The 2018 Millennials Peace Camp is a transformative activity to produce moral and innovative young leaders who are qualified physically, mentally, spiritually, skills and knowledge in an effort to prevent and counteract radicalism and extreme violence. This activity is also expected to produce youth leaders who can look at and achieve their future, the future of the nation and become providers of solutions to problems in the surrounding environment. From this Millennials Peace Camp activity, participants will become agents of the peace who will lead the younger generation to realize a golden Indonesia in the future.

“The 2018 MP-Camp activity was designed with a millennial concept, not boring even though it has quite a variety of materials in it, such as the Leadership Framework, love for the country, the spirit of nationalism to the values ​​of peace and kinship. We are optimistic that this activity will produce young Indonesian leaders who are full of moral and investment to continue to maintain peace and realize development, “said Shintya Rahmi Utami, General Manager of the Global Peace Foundation Indonesia in his explanation regarding the 2018 MP-Camp.

“The younger generation who are prone to extremism are also given so much room to develop themselves, in addition to the fact that they are the ones who carry the future of the country. MP-Camp is here not only as space for the younger generation to develop their potential, channel their creations, and collaborate on actions for good things on earth. But also hope for this nation to heal the anger that triggers violence and discrimination against differences and diversity, and prevent extremism and radicalism, “explained Hani Samantha, Project Officer of Convey Indonesia.

The 2018 Millennials Peace Camp (MP-Camp) will be held in 3 cities, namely Surabaya (22-24 December 2018), Makassar (26-28 December 2018), and Palangka Raya (28-30 December 2018). MPCamp 2018 is part of the 2018 Millennials Peace Festival (MP-Fest) as one of the programs

Convey 2.0 has been successfully held in 6 cities (Jakarta, Bandung, Palangka Raya, Pekanbaru, Surabaya, and Makassar in the period September-December 2018 with a target audience of up to 6,900 participants). The presence of this activity is also a means of provision so that peace agents who have been formed at the 2018 MP-Fest will have more knowledge and ability to continue to inspire and spread peace viruses to the community and especially among other young people.

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