Millennial Generation Combats Radical Understanding

HMPS AFI Successfully Conducts “Islamic Literacy Love” Roadshow
December 3, 2018
IAIN Roadshow, Islamic Literacy of Love
December 3, 2018

PADEK.CO – The ease with which the millennial Muslim generation is infiltrated by radical views is cause for concern. This is worsened by technological advances that are not matched by the availability of correct Islamic references. In response to this, the young Muslim generation community who are members of the Islamic Love Movement (GIC) held literacy roadshows in several major cities in Indonesia. As the first step, this roadshow starts from the IAIN Bukittinggi Campus in Kubangputiah, Friday (30/11).

“To increase reading interest as well as campaigning Islam as a friendly religion, literacy is needed. Seeing the vulnerability of millennial groups to being exposed to radicalism, this step is very urgent, ”said the head of the Love Islam Movement, Eddy Adhiwijaya after launching a reading club at IAIN Bukittinggi. Eddy explained, the origin of this community was inseparable from the role of 40 Indonesian Muslim figures who declared the Love Islamic Movement (GIC) in 2012 in Jakarta.

The declaration, he said, was a response of moderate Muslims to the phenomenon of intolerance and radicalism in the name of religion. “GIC is open to anyone who believes that Islam is a religion full of love for all nature or rahmatan Lil Alamin,” he explained.

The literacy entitled Islam Cinta presents young intellectuals as speakers. Among them, Executive Director of the Youth Studies Institute, Dr. Zulfan Taufik, then literacy activist, Silmi Novita Nurman, and author of the book Azhar Muhammad Akbar.

After Kota Bukittinggi, this roadshow will continue to Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Jakarta. During the roadshow, GIC will distribute as many as 20 free books with 500 units each. The Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da’wah at IAIN Bukittinggi, Gazali appreciated the spirit of the GIC community in spreading da’wah. According to him, literacy that carries Islamic messages in addition to increasing reading awareness also reflects the religious spirit of the younger generation. “We really appreciate it. This roadshow started at IAIN Bukittinggi. Hopefully, all students can explore the benefits of this event, “he said. (*)


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