Message from the Minister of Religion in #MeyakiniMengharga

“Easy” Millennials Are Exposed to Radicalism because of the Website of Moderate Islamic Organizations ‘Lose Crunchy’?
February 21, 2019
An Age-Appropriate Approach to Religion Can Reduce Intolerance
February 21, 2019

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID – Minister of Religion (Menag) Lukman Hakim Saifuddin opened the 2019 #MeyakiniMengharga Festival event held by CONVEY Indonesia. This event is in collaboration with PPIM of the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

On this occasion, the Minister of Religion appreciated CONVEY Indonesia for holding an event with a focus on millennials. He also considered this event to be quite good in the context of the future of peaceful religious life in Indonesia.

“We all know that in 2045 Indonesia will get a demographic bonus with 70 percent of the population in productive age. Among them are children and adolescents who will determine the face of Indonesia, “said the Minister of Religion in a statement obtained by, Thursday (21/2).

He added that various studies confirmed Indonesia as the top in terms of countries with religious communities. In a sense, society places religion as an important factor in determining attitudes to life.

“Practicing religious teachings is our way of protecting Indonesia. As fulfilling state obligations is a form of practicing religious teachings, “he said.

The present is often referred to as the era of disruption. This is because the development of information technology is progressing so fast that it distinguishes the religious characteristics and behavior of young people when compared to previous generations. According to Lukman, they are “digital people”, happy with religious materials that are packaged creatively, innovatively, and fun as well as easily accessible.

“If we are not present in their midst to provide religious material that is cool, peaceful, tolerant and in accordance with their millennial character, then do not be blamed if the pendulum of the trend of Indonesian religious life in the future leads to intolerant, exclusive, extreme attitudes,” he explained.

Festival #MeyakiniMengharga 2019 was attended by hundreds of people. The event was held at Nine Thamrin Ballroom, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (20/2).

Festival #MeyakiniMengharga was a forum for disseminating awareness of all elements of society in preventing extremism.

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