Maarif Institute: Student Council Policy Needs to Be Strengthened as a Step Against Radicalism

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JAKARTA – On October 2-21 2017, MAARIF Institute conducted a research entitled, “Strengthening Student Development Policy (OSIS) in Strengthening Diversity and Inclusive Life in Senior High Schools and Aliyah Islamic Schools”.

This research is part of the CONVEY program, Enhancing the Roles of Religious Education in Countering Violent Extremism in Indonesia.

The result of collaboration between the MAARIF Institute and the Center for Islamic and Community Studies, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (PPIM – UIN Jakarta) and UNDP Indonesia.

The research, which involved 40 schools with approximately 450 resource persons, took samples in six regions from five provinces in Indonesia, namely Padang City (West Sumatra), Kab. Cirebon (West Java), Kab. Sukabumi (West Java), Surakarta City (Central Java), Denpasar City (Bali), and Tomohon City (North Sulawesi).

The selection of this area was carried out by considering the distribution, typology, and important characteristics inherent in it. Overall, this research series ran from October – December 2017.

“The initial thesis of this research was to prevent the penetration of radicalism in schools, the most important thing that must be done was to nurture diversity in school life,” said the Director of the MAARIF Institute Muhd. Abdullah Darraz in his speech at the Seminar on the Dissemination of Research Results with the theme “Strengthening Extracurricular Policies in Reducing Radicalism in Schools” at the Century Hotel Athlete Jalan. Pintu Satu Senayan, Gelora, Central Jakarta Friday (26/1).

Furthermore, Abdullah explained that this research actually wanted to find out what kind of resilience model could be developed in schools, so that schools could be immune from various infiltrations of radical groups.

“I hope that the results obtained from this research will be able to strengthen The Student Executive Organization (OSIS) policies to become guardians of diversity in inclusive schools,” he explained.

Reporter: Rhio

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