Lunch Talk: Tolerance Agent Teacher
October 26, 2018
Chairman of DPW AGPAII South Sulawesi Attends the Invitation to the United Nations Agency (PBB-UNDP)
November 30, 2018

ISLAMCINTA.CO – Conservative turn, a term used by Martin van Bruinessen to describe the change from a tolerant ‘friendly face’ to a ‘stern face’ full of conflict from Indonesian Muslims. A condition that has seen symptoms since the transition from the New Order Era to the Reformation. And now, the echo around us is increasingly felt, especially with the rapid development of digital media. Especially considering that Indonesia is known as one of the countries with the largest number of internet users in the world.

This phenomenon is even more concerning if it is linked to the alleged strengthening of the flow of radical movements among millennials and from our educational spaces. The strategic position of the millennial generation, with a wide range of associations and is relatively autonomous, is often seen as an easy target for radicalism to infiltrate.

One of the causes most considered responsible for this condition is the victory of conservative groups in seizing reading rooms for the millennial generation of Muslims. As the research findings of the research team from the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Postgraduate Program in Yogyakarta, it is suspected that the reading rooms of the millennial generation are filled with popular Islamic references that display the ‘hard face’ of Islam. Therefore, it becomes very urgent to balance the reading room with a friendly, loving face of Islam.

Since 2015, the Islamic Love Movement (GIC) has been active in filling this empty space by producing serial books on Islam Cinta, to promote a friendly and loving Islam to the wider community. Islamic books of love have become a reference for the community, especially for young people in their efforts to create love and peace in society. In the same year, a millennial community called the Islamic Love Gen (Gen IC) was also formed. The formation of this community originated from a request from millennial circles so that GIC could become a forum for their passion in studying and participating in spreading the message of love and peace in Islam.

At the commemoration of the 2018 Youth Pledge, the Love Islamic Movement is collaborating with the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the CONVEY Indonesia project to make a breakthrough through Islamic Literacy of Love. Unmitigated, 20 popular literature books on friendly Islam are ready to be produced, targeting the millennial generation as the main target of their readers. These books are presented creatively and attractively with a popular culture approach (pop culture). It is hoped that in reading rooms for young people and the millennial generation, a more balanced and healthier atmosphere can be created, with the presence of the teachings of love and strengthening awareness of the central presence of love in life.

Later, 500 printed books will be distributed, in addition to providing free e-book download facilities for each title so that the books can be distributed properly, especially through reading clubs. Through this activity, which is a collaboration with various organizations, grassroots reading communities, and youth activists of peace in several cities in Indonesia, the Gen IC (Gen Islam Cinta) serial books will be shared and dissected, and their messages of peace will also be disseminated through the media. social with the hashtag #AyoSebarCinta and #MeyakiniMengharga.

Islamic greetings of love!
Eddy Najmuddin Aqdhiwijaya
Chairman of the Islamic Love Movement

Telp. 021-741 9192
WA. 0858 9066 8586

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