Jamhari: Speak Up for Peace, Appreciate Heroes

Gema Perdamaian: Millennials Must be Creative
November 15, 2020
GPF Indonesia: Strengthening Religious Moderation by Networking
November 15, 2020

Jakarta, PPIM – Convey Indonesia Team Leader, Jamhari Makruf, emphasized that to speak up for peace was to appreciate the struggles of the national heroes.

“It was not easy for our national heroes to defend our independence and maintain the unity of our beloved Indonesia. Implementing religious moderation, therefore, is one of the ways to respect and appreciate their struggles,” Jamhari said on Friday (13/11) in a virtual seminar series of #ModerasiBeragama (Religious Moderation) themed “Youth Activists for Peace Talking about Religious Moderation”. The seminar was organized by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) of the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta through Convey Indonesia program.

The PPIM senior researcher added that Indonesia was a country with diversity, consisting of various ethnicities, races and cultures that must be preserved together. One of the ways was by putting religious moderation into our daily principle in life.

“This responsibility belongs to us together,” Jamhari said.

“Be it conflict or peace is ours to choose, and we choose peace,” he said, citing the speech of former president of the United States, Barack Obama, at the University of Indonesia in 2010. It needed struggles to build peace, thus we should fight to spread religious moderation to make world peace.

The virtual seminar on Religious Moderation is held every Friday via “Convey Indonesia” official Youtube channel. The discussion also presented I Kadek Adnyana, Head of Gema Perdamaian Community, Shintya Rahmi Utami, General Manager of Global Peace Foundation (GPF), and Redy Saputro, Coordinator of Peace Leader Indonesia, as speakers.

Writer: Tati Rohayati
Editor: M. Nida Fadlan

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