Islamic Literacy Target Bandung Millennials to be a Generation of Peace

Diversity Festival & Believing Book Discussion Appreciates and Celebrates Diversity
December 17, 2018
Spread Love Through Books on the Themed Islam Peace, Here You Can Pay For Books With Smiles
December 20, 2018

REGIONAL.KOMPAS.COM – A group of young people who are members of the Islamic Love Movement (GIC) held Love Islamic Literacy in Bandung.

The movement is targeting Bandung millennials to become a generation that spreads love and peace.

“Bandung is the third city we visit after Bukit Tinggi and Yogyakarta,” said the Chairman of GIC, Eddy Aqdhiwijaya in a release received by, Monday (17/12/2018).

Eddy explained, Bandung was nicknamed the creative city and the compassionate city.

However, if efforts to prevent intolerance and violence are not continuously carried out, it is not impossible for Bandung to change its nickname to become a city of conflict and a city of violence.

One of the efforts was to launch 20 books in the series Gen Islam Cinta which were presented creatively and attractively with a popular culture approach.

Later, 500 printed books of each title will be distributed, in addition to the free e-book download facility.

“So that the books can be distributed properly, especially through reading clubs,” he said.

Activities that have embraced many grassroots reading communities and young people promoting peace in several cities in Indonesia, these books will be distributed and disseminated.

Hopefully, messages of peace are also shared through social media with the hashtags #AyoSebarCinta and #MeyakiniMenghargai.


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