Islamic Literacy of Love in the Welas Asih City

Millennials Peace Camp (MP-Camp) 2018 “Learning to Live Peacefully in a Millennial Style”
December 17, 2018
Diversity Festival & Believing Book Discussion Appreciates and Celebrates Diversity
December 17, 2018

ISLAM CINTA – Bandung as a metropolitan city in West Java Province, has several nicknames such as “The City of Flowers” and “Paris Van Java – the Paris of the island of Java.” Even today, Bandung is known as the Creative City (Creative City) and the City of Compassion (Compassionate City). A number of positive nicknames for the City of Bandung continue to arrive, and of course, that is to be expected.

Although the government and the people of Bandung have made serious efforts to prevent conflict and violence, it is not impossible if it is not continuously anticipated, in future Bandung has changed its nickname to be a city of conflict (conflict city) or city of violence (violence city) considering that until now West Java is a province. with the highest cases of intolerance in Indonesia, especially during the last eight years. And Bandung as the capital city of West Java is not impossible to be a strategic place – unless it is continuously anticipated – for the development of intolerance in people’s lives, especially among millennials. As we know, the millennial generation has a wide social range and is relatively autonomous, often considered an easy target to be infiltrated by radical ideologies.

One of the causes most considered responsible for this condition is the victory of the concert group in seizing reading rooms for the millennial generation of Muslims. As the research findings of the research team from the UIN Sunan Kalijaga Postgraduate Program in Yogyakarta, it is suspected that the reading rooms of the millennial generation are overcrowded with popular Islamic references that display the ‘hard face’ of Islam. Therefore, it becomes very urgent to balance the reading room with a friendly, loving face of Islam.

Since 2015, the Islamic Love Movement (GIC) has been active in filling this empty space by producing serial books on Islam Cinta, to promote a friendly and loving Islam to the wider community. Islamic books of love have become a reference for the community, especially for young people in their efforts to create love and peace in society.

In the same year, a millennial community called the Islamic Love Gen (Gen IC) was also formed. The formation of this community originated from a request from millennial circles so that GIC could become a forum for their passion in studying and participating in spreading the message of love and peace in Islam.

This year, the Cinta Islam Movement in collaboration with the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the CONVEY Indonesia program made a breakthrough in the popular book series Literasi Islam Cinta (LIC). No half-hearted, 500 copies of 20 popular literature about Islam are cool and friendly were produced. Of course, the presence of books is dedicated especially to the millennial Muslim generation and in the framework of presenting alternative narratives to prevent the spread of violent extremism and radicalism which also spreads to the younger generation.

Apart from producing books, GIC also broadcasts the message of peace from the popular book series to several cities. In addition to dissecting book content containing wasathiyah values ​​in Islam, the discussion which was packaged in the Islam Cinta Roadshow event also presented reviewers and responders from academia and grassroots reading communities, and youth activists of peace.

The Love Islam Roadshow will be present at the end of this week, 14-16 December 2018 in Welas Asih City, Bandung City, Indonesia.


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