Intolerance and Radicalism have occurred since the earliest education

Radical Opinion Among Teachers, 29% Agree to Jihad in Syria
October 17, 2018
Regarding the Survey of Teacher Intolerance in Indonesia, These Are PPIM Recommendations
October 17, 2018

NETRALNEWS.COM – The Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta conducted research that aims to see the views of teachers’ religious attitudes in Indonesia. The PPIM 2018 survey population target is Muslim teachers at the Kindergarten / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTS, and SMA / K / MA levels.

The phenomenon of rampant intolerance and religious radicalism does not only occur among middle school students but also occurs at the earliest educational levels. This tendency of religious expression has been seen since early education levels such as TK / RA.

According to the National Survey Coordinator, Yunita Faela Nisa, intolerance and radicalism can affect kindergarten students. Kindergarten students tend to be able to obey orders from their teachers or role models, so they can judge more quickly.

“The method of conveying intolerant and radical opinions of TK / RA teachers uses a methodology. While the content of national insight is not explained by the teacher to the students, “said Yunita in Launching of the Results of the National Survey of PPIM – Dim Pelita: A Portrait of the Religious Teachers of Indonesia, Tuesday (16/10/2018).

For this reason, the 2018 PPIM survey focused on teachers from various levels of education, namely Kindergarten / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTS, and SMA / K / MA. In addition, the survey was carried out on teachers who were capable of all subjects.

The survey was conducted between 6 August to 6 September 2018. The research sample was taken from 34 provinces in Indonesia, where in each province a district/city was randomly selected based on the probability proportional to size (PPS) technique for the number of teachers in each province. in Indonesia. The number of schools is both under the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) and under the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag).

From the district/city selection process, 767 districts/cities were obtained. The largest number of districts/cities selected to be the sample were provinces with the highest number of teachers, namely East Java, West Java, Central Java, North Sumatra, and South Sulawesi. Meanwhile, the lowest number of teachers is in the province of North Kalimantan.

From the number of selected districts/cities, schools / Islamic schools were determined randomly which also used the PPS technique. After the schools/Islamic schools were determined using a random process, the survey officers obtained a sample frame of Muslim teachers in the selected schools.

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