.Indonesia Millennial Movement Echoes Campaigns “Believe Indonesia”

Young Indonesian Muslims Presented at ICONQUHAS 2018
October 3, 2018
Workshop of National Consolidation of Researchers and Research Assistants
October 8, 2018

MAARIFINSTITUTE.ORG – Actions of intolerance and violent extremism committed by young people, whether in the name of ethnicity, religion, race, or between groups, are still part of the collective homework that must be completed in Indonesia. In the past decade, opinions on intolerance and the involvement of young people in acts of violent extremism are not surprising. A survey by the Institute for Islamic Studies and Peace (LaKIP) in 2010 showed that 48.9% of students in Jabodetabek agreed to radical action. Meanwhile, the most recent survey conducted by the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) UIN Jakarta in 2017 on students and students showed a radical opinion of 58%, an internal intolerance opinion of 51.1%, and an external intolerance opinion of 34.4%.

Young people, as potential future actors of Indonesian peace, need to be provided with space to consolidate to strengthen the diversity that characterizes the Indonesian nation. Therefore, MAARIF Institute invites young Indonesians who have open views, are visionaries, and are actively campaigning for peace to meet in a national forum entitled “Indonesia Millennial Movement – Percaya Indonesia”.

The Indonesia Millennial Movement is a forum that brings together young people of the nation from various ethnicities, religions, races, and inter-groups to discuss and formulate together regarding peace efforts in the context of preventing violent extremism. This forum carries the theme “Believe in Indonesia”, a theme that reflects the belief and appreciation for diversity that exists in Indonesia.

In its implementation, this forum will jointly discuss the formulation of peace and prevention of violent extremism and radicalism in Indonesia. Various sessions in this forum will be filled with cool and inspiring speakers, such as; young peacemakers, academics, and peace activists.

At its peak, the Indonesia Millennial Movement will produce a declaration initiated by millennial youth in the context of caring for and maintaining peace and diversity in the nation, as well as preventing violent extremism. This declaration will later be submitted to various policy-holding partners. It is hoped that this declaration will be able to establish joint actions with these partners, including; Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud); Ministry of Religion (Kemenag); Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora); Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti); Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

The Indonesia Millennial Movement will be attended by 100 selected participants, consisting of students/grassroots activists aged 17-25 years, who come from various provinces in Indonesia. The selection system is assessed based on essay writing, motivation, the best vlog, and the completeness of the participant’s administrative files when registering. Registration for participants is open until 26 October 2018.

The Indonesia Millennial Movement will last for five days from 9-13 November 2018 by combining indoor and outdoor methods. The indoor session will be filled with various activities such as TED Talk Show, Focus Group Discussion, Powerful Public Speaking. Meanwhile, the outdoor session consists of a visit to the Istiqlal Mosque and the Cathedral Church, as well as an exhibition and peace campaign to be held in the Kota Tua area, Jakarta.

The activities of the Indonesia Millennial Movement were carried out in collaboration with the MAARIF Institute with the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) UIN Jakarta and UNDP Indonesia – CONVEY Indonesia.

For more information contact:

Email                           : millenial2018@maarifinstitute.org

Website                       : http://maarifinstitute.org/indonesia-millenial-movement/

Contact Person (WA)  : 085720175724 (Aidul), 081282368830 (Fithri), 085710692079 (Pripih)

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