HMPS AFI Successfully Conducts “Islamic Literacy Love” Roadshow

The Cinta Islam Movement Holds the Launching of the Reading Club in Bukittinggi
December 3, 2018
Millennial Generation Combats Radical Understanding
December 3, 2018

LPM-ALITQAN.COM – The “Love Islam Literacy” Roadshow was held in 5 cities in Indonesia, Bukittinggi is believed to be the first city. The narrative from Kang Edi as the Chairperson of the Love Islamic Movement (GIC) said: “I see that there are positive energy and extraordinary enthusiasm in the city of Bukittinggi, especially seeing the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of IAIN Bukittinggi students, this proves that IAIN Bukittinggi students have big dreams”. The roadshow activity lasts for 2 days, to be precise Thursday-Friday, 29-30 November 2018. The form of the activity is carried out through a series of presentations, outreach, and discussions. This Love Islamic literacy roadshow is collaborating with the Islamic Philosophy Study Program Student Association (AFI) as a committee in the success of this Cinta Islam Literacy Roadshow event.

(The enthusiasm of the Love Islamic Literacy Roadshow Participants in the Question and Answer Procession)

On the first day, Thursday, November 29, 2018, the activities carried out were friendly (Audience) to IAIN Bukittinggi, Usuluddin Adab, and Da’wah Faculty. Later that night, GIC held a broadcast on RRI Bukittinggi. On the second day, Friday 30 November 2018, the activity was carried out in the form of a book talk series “Islam Cinta” at Campus 2 IAIN Bukittinggi. Kang Edi said that the Islamic Love Movement (GIC) was initiated by several figures, one of which is Hedar Bagir. The goal is to remind all of us that the religion of Islam is love, a cool religion, a religion of peace. GIC as a response to intolerance and violence in the name of religion. GIC wants to promote that Islam is a religion of love, a religion of peace, a religion of coolness. This GIC aims to invite us as the young generation of Muslims to continue to introduce Islam with its compassionate teachings.

(Team GIC when filling in the From You For You (DKUK) Event at RRI Bukittinggi)

“Literacy is a benchmark for the progress of a nation, the progress of a nation depends on the next generation. I hope that the younger generation must be consistent and keep the spirit, because our weakness is inconsistent, the language of religion is not istiqhomah,” Kang Edi said.

GIC was born on January 20, 2012, almost 7 years old, GIC is campaigning to keep young people obedient to Islam. GIC has a large number of members, approximately 10,000 people from 2015. GIC in 2018 produced 20 book titles dedicated to the millennial generation. Kang Adzar Muhammad Akbar as a millennial writer shares creative tips in writing “In writing, first we have to be up to date with the latest events, secondly we write not only good for ourselves, it’s still delicious, light, and crunchy for the reader, too. we have to adjust the word selection, word arrangement, and diction. Finally, there must be love in writing, I write for people I love because if we write with love, we will write it wholeheartedly. “Said Kang Adzar.

Kang Adzar said, “The enthusiasm of IAIN Bukittinggi students for the Islamic Love Movement (GIC) is extraordinary, this is beyond my expectations, students are very enthusiastic about GIC, the questions are extraordinary, following the activities well, this is a valuable experience that I will never forget for a lifetime. I hope that together with GIC with Love Literacy will spread a message of peace, a message of love. I hope this becomes a bridge for students to participate in spreading voices of peace, voices about love ”. Our country is not a country that lacks good people, people who love peace. Radical and violent people are actually few, but their voices are loud, we’re just not loud enough, let’s make peace. // Ayu Weri Nadiaty


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